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它们是可数名词还是不可数名词?。Are they countable nouns or uncountable nouns?

令参数空间是一不可数集合。Let the parametric space be an uncountable set.

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波扬无量微妙音声。The waves sing forth in uncountable subtle sounds.

这是个不可数名词,没有复数形式。This is an uncountable noun. It has no plural form.

大多数的不可数名词只有单数的形式。Most uncountable nouns are only used in the singular.

区分可数名词与不可数名词。Differentiate between countable and uncountable nouns.

一般说来,这里我们用代词来代名词。Is this word a countable noun or an uncountable noun ?

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但是,热能又被无数种的错误方式应用着。There are, however, uncountable ways to misapply heat.

每一款产品中都包含数之不尽的金盏花花瓣。Every kind of product includes uncountable marigold petal.

学习符合规则的可数和不可数名词。To learn the general rules of countable and uncountable nouns.

他曾无数次从我父母的坟墓上偷走花。He has stolen flowers from my parents’ grave uncountable times.

谈到爱的缠裹带给我们的灾难,更是俯拾即是。There are uncountable examples of how the bandage of love brings us catastrophe.

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从无数有关脱体时身体下沉的报告中可以看出这一点。This can be observed by uncountable reports of how the limbs sink when seperating.

英语名词可以从实用的角度分为可数名词及不可数名词。English nouns can be practically classified into countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

它能变化出无数的色身来做佛事。It shall give birth to uncountable transformations to carry out the tasks of the Buddhas.

千百年来,大海的危险已造成受害者不可数号码。For thousands of years, the perils of the sea have claimed uncountable numbers of victims.

这字是不可数名词,又用于一般意义,所以不加冠词。The word is an uncountable noun and is used in a general sense, hence it takes no article.

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全世界成千上万数不清的人求他赐予看得见或看不见的礼物。Uncountable thousands around the world came to him asking for gifts tangible and intangible.

负数的发现、无理数的发现等这样的例子在数学史上不胜枚举。Examples like the found of irrational number and non-geometry, are uncountable in the history.

河流和大海中有取之不竭的水,因此水电资源是丰富的。There is uncountable water in rivers and seas, therefor, the sources of hydroelectricity is rich.