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永远不要忘记复利的作用。Never forget the power of compounding.

国会做的只是在激化这个问题。Congress is only compounding the problem.

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复合切断后基材无收缩现象。No shrinking phenomena after compounding cutting off.

复合切断后无收缩现象。No shrinking phenomena after compounding and cutting-off.

可用于混合所有的热塑材料。It can be used for compounding all thermoplastic materials.

终端为复合型的,带内置铅铜芯线。Theterminal is compounding type with inlaid lead copper core.

将你赚到的钱继续投资将使你获得复利的好处。Reinvesting your earnings allows you to take advantage of compounding.

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橡胶鞋底上的SRX复合材料提供优秀的防滑性能。SRX compounding in the rubber outsole provides superior slip resistance.

然而,这张私了字据并未给整个纠纷画上句号。However, this does not give the whole compounding disputes writings ends.

构造复合的基本方式是横绔和限制。The basic models on structural compounding are transverse cross and limits.

我甚至没有考虑到在接下来的30年的那些复利息!I’m not even taking into account compounding interest over the next 30 years!

该机构官员说,该国薄弱的禁毒法使问题复杂化。Agency officials say the country's weak drug laws are compounding the problem.

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这种凝胶只有持配药师所开的处方才能获得。The gel can be obtained with a prescription only from compounding pharmacists.

伯努利在研究一个复利问题的时候发现了这个数字。Bernoulli discovered this number when studying a problem of compounding interest.

地下水的抑价说明其经常被用来灌溉低价值作物。compounding that, underpricing means it is often used for watering low-value crops.

两种熟料复合后,水泥体系的凝结时间会明显缩短。Furthermore, the cement setting time is shortened after compounding of two clinkers.

基于组合摆线运动轨迹设计了一种两足恐龙腿机构。Based on compounding cycloid track, a leg mechanism of a bipedal dinosaur was designed.

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但当你处理复杂问题时,它有时会对公司产生巨大影响。When you have compounding issues, sometimes the affects can be overwhelming in a company.

复合酶制剂的应用是白酒发酵技术发展的主要方向。The application of compounding zymin is the main development trend for liquor fermentation.

钱生钱,利生利,终有一天你会走出工作带给你的绝望。With the law of compounding interest, someday you'll break the despair of the job you hate.