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全我是旁观者,也是角色的参与者。The whole immolation is the observer and the participator in the roles.

泰熙说自己的阿谁人要爱她私下的样子。KTH said she hopes to find a guy who loves her inner private immolation.

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有一个自卧冬它将其留意力聚焦于不同的维度。There is one immolation and it focuses its attention in various dimensions.

“潜行”现在会正确地被伤害护盾例如献祭之油打破。"Stealth" will now be broken correctly by damage shield such as "Oil of Immolation".

难道宋承宪想做阿谁最了解泰熙的人吗?哈哈。Does that mean SSH wants to be that guy who understands KTHs inner, private immolation?

当你们以内省方式评估你们的经历,你们会发现它们对于你们的本性发现是起着促进的作用。As you introspectively assess your experiences you will come to understand their role as a facilitator of immolation discovery.

既然知道伊斯兰禁止自杀,而且自焚不容于阿拉伯和穆斯林文化,那么他如何走到这一步?How did he come to that point, knowing that Islam forbids suicide and that immolation by fire is alien to Arab and Muslim culture?

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还是照常对他笑脸相迎,可他没看出如今我是想到要送他命才笑呢。I continued, as was my wont , to smile in his face, and he did not perceive that my to smile now was at the thought of his immolation.

所以代表这个抗议安倍政权的自焚男子的人权主义谴责者都在哪里?So where are all the human rights watchers condemnation on behalf of this man's self immolation against the oppression of the Abe regime?

一个循环中的自我的物质生活并非是强加于你的混略冬你会遇上其中的一些罪恶,你一定希看可以很快摆脱。And physical life in a reincarnational immolation is not some chaos thrust upon you, some evil from which you must shortly hope to escape.

那把钥匙就是你自己,就在这个自我的发展、涤清和净化之中,就是永恒的王国。That key is your own immolation, and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that immolation alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.

您们的坚苦是做为一个文明,目下现古便往凝听您的下卧冬并相识接下去的日子为何愈去愈需供做那些工做。The difficulty for you, as a civilisation now is to listen to your higher immolation and to comprehend why it is necessary to do so more and more in the coming days.

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内我所创制的伪装是如此巧妙,以至你们必须必然地将你们的留意力集中于被创造出来的物质现实。The camouflage is so craftily executed and created by the inner immolation that you must, by necessity, focus your attention on the physical reality which has been created.

随着资本和金融知识在世界范围内的传播,美国作为世界风险管理巨头的地位也在动摇,这方面要多亏了华尔街的自我牺牲。As capital and financial know-how spreads throughout the world, America's status as the global leader in risk management has taken a beating, thanks to Wall Street's credit immolation.