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我初中的剧本写作老师离开了,但我能够适应。My playwriting teacher from middle school left, but I handled it.

丘吉尔开始短篇小说和剧本中转移到学院。Churchill began with short stories and moved to playwriting in college.

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尤其令我担心的是与赵同在一个写作的学生们。I was particularly concerned about the playwriting class I had with Cho.

弗莱迪进入哈佛深造,在耶鲁戏剧学院学习剧本写作。Freddie went to Harvard and studied playwriting at the Yale School of Drama.

戏剧是托马斯·贝恩哈德获得更大社会成就的途径。Playwriting is the access to greater social achievement for Thomas Bernhard.

在清代中后期,黄燮清是一位有着承前启后作用的戏曲家。Huang is of transitional significance to playwriting in the mid and late leaf of Qing Dynasty.

我喜欢这些课程所以我毕业的时候获得了编剧和心理双学位。I loved these classes so much that I graduated with a double major in playwriting and psychology.

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他们的作品有着相同的悲悯的戏剧情怀和相似的诗化的戏剧美学。Their works shared the common grief and indignation and similar poetical anesthetics of playwriting.

剧本写作,编剧专业学习为戏剧写剧本和为电影编剧。Students of playwriting and screenwriting learn how to write plays for the theater and screenplays for movies.

课程设置包括从剧本创作到戏剧导演,再到布景设计等内容,总是体现了戏剧美学的多样性。Courses range from playwriting to directing to set design, always reflecting a commitment to diverse aesthetics.

他继续工作,戏剧,但是,收到了洛克菲勒赠款和研究剧本新学校在纽约举行。He continued to work on drama, however, receiving a Rockefeller grant and studying playwriting at the New School in New York.

在这个自由命名的生产和影院播放视频剪辑在与专家的意见,发挥编剧人物学习技巧。Learn tips for naming characters in a play with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

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了解如何避免编写剧本创作与专家在这个自由生产和影院播放视频剪辑在播放方言的意见。Learn how to avoid writing dialect in a play with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

我来自中国上海。我来看我的女儿。她是哥伦比亚大学戏剧系编剧专业研究生。I am from Shanghai, China. I'm coming to visit my daughter. She is a graduate student of theatre playwriting at Columbia University.

了解如何直接与专家的意见发挥编剧在这个自由生产和影院播放视频剪辑从行为者的对话。Learn how to direct dialogue from actors in a play with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

了解如何决定如何在戏剧人物与专家编剧应该讲在这个自由生产和影院播放视频剪辑的意见。Learn how to decide how characters in a play should speak with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

了解如何创建一个编剧在与专家的意见值得反派角色扮演在这个自由生产和影院播放视频剪辑。Learn how to create a worthwhile villain character in a play with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

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作为一个诚实正直的人,我初中的剧本写作老师在我最需要的时候扮演了一个鼓舞人的男性角色。By being an upstanding individual, my playwriting teacher in middle school acted as an inspiring male role model at a time when I needed one most.

学习在与专家的意见发挥编剧的重要性和难忘的标语在这个自由生产和影院播放视频剪辑。Learn the importance of catchphrases and memorable lines in a play with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.

学习在与专家的意见,发挥某些类型的剧本创作的重要性,在这个自由股票字符生产和影院播放视频剪辑。Learn the importance of stock characters in certain types of plays with expert playwriting advice in this free play production and theater video clip.