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价格仅从人民币23元起。Price starting from RMB 23.

价格仅从人民币32元起。Price starting from RMB 32.

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我们附上一张200元的支票。We inclose a cheque RMB 200.

我们只能以人民币找零。We only have RMB for change.

参赛费为每队60元人民币。Entry fee is 60 RMB per team.

我们到了,车费是8元5角。Here we are. RMB 8.5, please.

所以您须付5元人民币。So you should pay 5 RMB yuan.

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评估费是500元人民币。The assessment fee is 500 RMB.

第二道特色菜15个才仅仅8元人民币。Special 2 is only RMB 8 for 15.

中国的人民币不能贬值。China's RMB shouldn't devaluate.

饺子加汤的午餐特价是10元人民币。The dumpling and soup is 10 RMB.

我们附上人民币200的支票一张。We enclose a cheque fpr RMB 200.

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损失估计达1000元人民币。Damaged were assessed at 1000 RMB.

八百伍拾叁元人民币,先生。Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB.

在X所设定的本位币为人民币。The base currency set in X is RMB.

签证费每人250元人民币。Visa Fee of RMB 250 per applicant.

奖励金均以人民币支付。The rewards shall be paid with RMB.

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标准间的价格是每晚466元。The room rate is RMB 466 per night.

好的,先生。你的账户余额是人民币34000元。Yes, sir. Your balance is RMB 34000.

八百伍拾叁元人民币,先生。Eight hundred and fifty-three RMB. Sir.