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我们对任何一刀切的解决方案表示怀疑。We would be sceptical to any broad-brush solution.

威妮弗莱德的脸上露出了一丝神秘,怀疑的微笑。A small smile came over Winifred's face, subtle and sceptical.

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但是很多布隆迪人对他们是否能看到真正的公平持怀疑态度。But many Burundians are sceptical of seeing any justice at all.

我对文化的平暴作用表示怀疑。I am sceptical when it comes to the pacifying power of culture.

底特律市民对于任何由外人强加在他们身上的政策都颇为怀疑。Detroiters are sceptical of anything foisted on them by outsiders.

对一肚子怀疑的英国公众想知道本国士兵究竟是为何而马革裹尸。In Britain, a sceptical public wonders what its soldiers are dying for.

麦克林托克特别怀疑了亨利和邓恩的关系。McLintock is particularly sceptical about Henry's relationship with Dein.

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被通报此计划的欧盟驻保加利亚使节们,同样满腹狐疑。EU ambassadors to Sofia, who have just been told of the plan, are also sceptical.

有一段时期,克拉克甚至在一定程度上过着专业怀疑论者的生活。For a while, Clarke even made a modest living as a professional sceptical enquirer.

他反传统文化的面貌在全球的对其持怀疑态度的公众中引起了巨大的共鸣。Its counter-cultural image has enormous resonance amongst a sceptical global public.

人们对美国联邦政府住房与城市发展部持怀疑的态度。PEOPLE are sceptical about HUD, the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development.

对此,持怀疑态度的经济学家指出,这种反周期刺激政策弊大于利。Sceptical economists argue that counter-cyclical stimulus often does more harm than good.

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如果海猫成功了,可能能帮助说服那些持怀疑态度的政府为SKA出钱。If MeerKAT succeeds, it might help persuade sceptical governments to cough up for the SKA.

有米歇尔陪伴于左右可以让那些心生疑虑的黑人安心,即巴拉克•奥巴马真的是他们中的一员。Having Michelle at his side helped reassure sceptical blacks that he was really one of them.

我以前是从来不相信粉状的底妆产品的,所以我同事叫我试用这个产品的时候,我真的非常怀疑。I've never been a fan of powder based foundations, so was sceptical about trying this product.

不过逐渐地,特别是基于对阿根廷足球的观察,我的怀疑有所减少。Gradually, though, particularly from watching Argentinian football, I've become less sceptical.

外界为波罗的海的决心所敬畏,虽然仍旧怀疑这样的牺牲是否会有回报。Outsiders are awed by the Balts’ determination, though sceptical that the sacrifice will pay off.

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定义知识为何物的尝试源于对怀疑论的回应。The reasons behind attempts to define what knowledge is lie in responding to sceptical arguments.

在中国,2007年到2009年间引用怀疑主义者观点的报纸文章的数量减少。In China, the number of newspaper articles quoting sceptical views decreased between 2007 and 2009.

艾扎瑞博士却质疑这种工作将会更多地谈论宗教的进化和功能。Dr Azari, however, is sceptical that such work will say much about religion's evolution and function.