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她的意见将影响我的决定。Her opinion will impinge on my decision.

他听见雨水冲击着窗子的声音。He heard the rain impinge on the windows.

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利用对撞技术对HMX的粉碎进行了研究。The crushing of HMX was studied by impinge technology.

可能她的顾问们告诉过她,但是巴西并没有留给他什么印象。Perhaps her advisers had, but Brazil did not impinge on her consciousness.

然而如果这些系统严重侵犯了人们的自由的话,许多人将会停滞不前。Yet if those systems seriously impinge on people’s freedom, many people will balk.

接骨板不应该撞击肩峰、二头肌腱或肩袖止点。Plates should not impinge on the acromion, the biceps tendon, or rotator cuff insertions.

这是另一个有关生活,如何改变我们阅读经验的例子。It's another example of how the world comes to impinge on and change our reading experience.

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也许这对于为人父母者来说并不奇怪,但生孩子的确会影响婚姻幸福。It may not come as a surprise to parents, but having children really does impinge on marital bliss.

押韵是禁锢着诗歌真正自由的,蛮荒时代才有的限制。Rhymes are barbarous forms of constraint that impinge upon the true freedom of the body of the poem.

然而,其他物种对传统看法的冲击,充其量仅限于其作为有用之物时。At best, though, other species impinge on conventional politics only insofar as they are commodities.

因此,X射线首先撞击由氧硫化钆或铯化碘组成的闪烁体。For this reason, X-rays first impinge upon scintillators made from either gadolinium oxysulfide or cesium-iodide.

还有很多其他的社会因素的影响后,前期男性和出版后,他强大的附件。There are many other social factors that impinge upon the prepubertal male and imprint upon him powerful attachments.

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第三,削减大学教师培训费的政策将会极大的降低新进教师的专业水平。Third, the axing of teacher training in universities will massively impinge on the quality of new entrants into the profession.

太空船靠近小行星盘旋,它角度向外的使用它矫正舱身的火箭排气,不直接撞击小行星表面上。The spacecraft hovers near the asteroid, with its thrusters angled outwards so that the exhaust does not impinge on the surface.

莫里森以富有象征意义的金钱意象深刻地表达了奴隶制对黑人奴隶的精神贻害。In this novel, Morrison shows how the past slavery symbolized by monetary images continues to impinge on the psychics of post-slaves.

另外,烟花表演没有竞争性,即一个人观看烟花并不会明显影响其他人的欣赏。In addition, fireworks offer nonrivalry, in that one person’s viewing of the display doesn’t impinge significantly on another’s viewing.

设计上之所以这样安排是为了减少对管道的要求,允许方便地检查和替换同时不会影响到机库的空间。This arrangement has been designed to reduce ducting requirements, allow for easy access and removal and to not impinge on hangar space.

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由于这种制度设计上的缺陷,导致侦查机关在侦查过程中滥用侦查权、侵犯当事人权益的现象时有发生。Owing to the disfigurement, it cause the spy department abusing spy rights in the spying and phenomenon of impinge party occur occasionally.

保安局长李少光表示,行政长官签署的行政指令,将秘密监察规范化,并没有影响市民的自由。The Secretary for Security, Ambrose Lee, says the Chief Executive's order to regulate covert surveillance doesn't impinge on people's rights.

在这个时刻确实需要大量的耐心,因为所有这些尘世的现实入侵你的意识之中,撞击着你的意识,在你每日的生活中。Much patience is required at this time for all the instances of Worldly intrusions that impinge upon your consciousness and in your daily lives.