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欧洲市场比美国市场更复杂,所以GDS尤为重要。Europe is a more complex market than America so the GDSs are even more important there.

在全球三大GDS当中,这家总部在新泽西的科技巨头是有望在2010年IPO上市的第一家。The New Jersey-based tech giant is the first of the big three GDSs expected to IPO in 2010.

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我们已邀请GDS们加入我们的直连项目,但至今都被拒绝。We have invited the GDSs to integrate with our direct connect but all have declined so far.

表面看来,我们将继续绕过GDS,但这是GDS们自己的选择。Our direct connect will continue to appear to be a GDS bypass as long as the GDSs choose it to be so.

这个桌面的设计目的是支持多个GDS,并鼓励追加销售、交叉销售以及非捆绑式销售。This desktop is designed to support multiple GDSs and to encourage up-selling, cross-selling and unbundling.

基于模糊集理论,提出了一种适合处理群决策支持系统中一致性问题的算法。Based on the fuzzy set theory, an algorithm to solve the consensus problem of GDSS is presented in this paper.

自主要的私募股权收购GDS以来,旅游和旅行技术这种规模的交易已属罕见。Deals of this size in travel and travel technology have been rare since the major PE-led takeovers of the GDSs.

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以是,当GDSS向智能方向进展时,常识和推理的研究就显得越来越重要。Therefore, when GDSS develops to intelligentization, the research on knowledge and reasoning becomes more and more important.

上述价格在电脑系统中可以自动给出相应票价,但需注意出票时限的要求。Please refer to the GDS help desk for further private fare entries. The above fares may be auto-priced and guaranteed by GDSs.

实际上,Amadeus是四大GDS中,最有可能在旅行社签署一份新的GDS合同时,给予他们财务奖励的一家。In fact, Amadeus was most likely among the four GDSs to provide agencies with financial incentives when signing a new GDS contract.

那么,为什么GDS们不愿意与美国航空进行直连,然后为他们的代理商客户提供美国航空的这些辅助服务的预订呢?So, why won’t the GDSs simply connect to American’s direct-connect to access these ancillary services for their travel agency subscribers?

很明显,美国航空已经把其直连策略扩大到GDS范围以外,并牵涉到在线旅行社,尤其是Orbitz。American Airlines apparently has expanded its direct-connect drive beyond the GDSs and taken it to the online travel agencies, specifically Orbitz.

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GDS提供了超过550家航空公司、9万家酒店、3万家租车公司以及数百家大型旅行社和邮轮公司的库存与价格数据。The GDSs provide access to more than 550 airlines, 90, 000 hotel properties, 30, 000 car rental locations, and hundreds of major tour operators and cruise lines.

Harford表示,GDS们在与航空公司的谈判中代表着旅行社,他们的角色是不可或缺的,而直连方式将起到分散内容的作用。Harford said GDSs play an essential role in negotiating with airlines on behalf of travel agencies and that a direct-connect approach would serve to fragment content.

究其原因所在,当然航空公司取消支付给旅行社的基础佣金使得后者变得对于机票业务和GDS的依赖降低。Among the reasons, of course, airlines eliminated base commissions to many agencies in the interim, forcing agencies to become less reliant on air and GDSs for their livelihood.

捷蓝航空之所以选择与GDS展开全面合作的其中一个原因,是因为航空公司可以由此获得在某些市场涉足高收入的商务旅游业务的机会。One reason JetBlue opted to go full-throttle in the GDSs is that it gives the airline the opportunity to tap into the high-yielding corporate-travel business in certain markets.

通过把数千个供应商的库存和价格进行整合,GDS为个人和商务旅行者带来了透明度更高、更容易获取的旅游产品信息,同时还提高了行业的竞争力。By aggregating inventory and rates across thousands of suppliers, GDSs help individual and business travelers by providing more transparency, better access, and increased competition.

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然而,尽管有了这些改变,但旅行社在使用GDS获取捷蓝航空数据时暂时还缺少消费者认为理应具备的基本功能。However, despite the changes, travel agents using their GDSs to access JetBlue still — for now, at least — will lack basic functionalities that consumers take for granted when booking JetBlue.

经过这些谈判以后,航空公司降低了支付给各家GDS的预订费,而GDS们也因此大大削减了给旅游代理商的奖励。After those talks, the airlines reduced the booking fees they had to pay GDSs, and the GDSs made themselves whole to a large extent by greatly reducing the incentives they pay to travel agencies.

重要的是,商旅管理公司接入到企业客户系统的整个操作流程是否完善和有效,几乎百分之百取决于GDS是否具有足够强大的机票预订和服务功能。Importantly, the well-established and proven workflow processes of TMCs that feed into corporate clients’ systems rely almost exclusively upon the airline booking and servicing capabilities of GDSs.