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你是否生物系的学生?。Are you a Biology student?

这里给你上节小小的生物课。A little biology lesson here.

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你生物考试及格了吗?Have you passed the biology exam?

我还选了生物学和化学!I did take Biology and Chemistry!

生物试卷真难答。The biology paper was a real stinker.

生物学是研究生物的学科。Biology is the study of living things.

在生物实验室不要闻任何东西。Don't SMELL anything in a biology lab.

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然后又把生物作业弄丢了。Then I lost my assignment for biology.

生物学和化学是我最厌恶的两个学科。Biology and chemistry are my bete noires.

我比当初想象的要更喜欢生物课。I like biology more than I first thought.

上生物课时我们得解剖青蛙。In biology class we had to dissect a frog.

她讲这个部分归结于简单的生物。She puts this partly down to simple biology.

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哪里有哪怕只一点外来生物的端倪呢?Where was the barest inkling of alien biology?

作为一种哺乳动物,我们必须遵循生物规则。As a mammal, we must obey the rules of biology.

外泌体在癌症中的生物功能。The biology and function of exosomes in cancer.

接着今天下午我上了四节生物课。Then I had four biology classes this afternoon.

康纳博士在生物领域很出色。Dr. Connor was distinguished in biology spheres.

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这是一条放之生物界及政界皆准的真理。That is as true in biology as it is in politics.

这个怪人,就是我的生物课老师伯奥曼先生。This "wacko" was my biology teacher, Mr. Borman.

今天的生物课上,我正在解剖一只猪腰。Today, I had a pig kidney dissection in Biology.