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一颗滚烫的心哪。With a heart afire.

我们看见一座房子着火了。We saw a house afire.

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他们望着燃烧中的船。They looked at the ship afire.

悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.

在回家的路上,他们看到一座失火的房子。On their way home, they saw a house afire.

火焰喷射手习惯把房屋点燃。Flamethrowers were used to set houses afire.

彼得的心因为丰富多彩的生活燃烧着。Peter's heart was afire with his colorful life.

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在回家的路上,他们见到一所失火的房子。They saw a house afire while on their way home.

于是我的四肢像火烧一样灼热起来。Every limb of My body would, as a result, be set afire.

斟酒的侍者,让美酒的光辉尽情地在我杯中燃烧吧!Oh Cup-bearer, set my glass afire with the light of wine!

亚里桑那州有很多摄人心魄的名胜。Arizona has plenty of stupendous sights that set the senses afire.

我们到此是为了使孩子们坚定他们对于实现自身梦想的激情。We had come here to set our boys' spirits afire with their own dreams.

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他的声音听起来更大更响了,好像他被欲望和狂怒烧着了一样。His voice sounded louder and higher, as if he were afire with eagerness and rage.

他意外地发现,在火前烤过的肉尝起来更好。He discovered, by some accident, that flesh roasted in front of afire tasted better.

那是在1970年,抗议的旗帜遍布全国,各种政治运动风起云涌,年轻人更是用实际行动颠覆了整个社会秩序。In 1970, many banners were afield, many movements afire. The young had upended society.

结肠在燃烧,就像是一捆极干燥的干草被浸到汽油里然后被点燃。The colon was ablaze, like a bone-dry bale of hay soaked in gasoline and then set afire.

我们只能猜测人类起初是如何了解火的,以及他们生火是用作什么的。We can only guess how Man first learned that afire was useful and what uses he made of it.

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灵能点馀量不少于9的操焰者可以随意使用“火焰之手”能力。A character can use the hand afire ability at will as long as her power point reserve is 9 or more.

灵能点馀量不少于9的操焰者可以随意使用“火焰武器”能力。A character can use the weapon afire ability at will as long as her power point reserve is 9 or more.

说完他又重新拉风箱,把老妇人的破衣服都烧了个精光。I still have to blow the fire hotter, " he cried, then pumped the bellows again, until all her rags were all afire."