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多少人支持低卡路里饮食How many low calorie diet?

卡路里的理论显然是错误的。The calorie theory is just plain wrong.

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第一,什么是卡路里Let's first talk about what a calorie is.

把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。Keep a of your calorie intake for one week.

或者是担心其中含有的脂类和卡路里。Or they worry about the fat and calorie content.

把你一星期的热卡摄入量记录下来。Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week.

低卡路里饮食是典型的帮倒忙。Low Calorie diet plans are simply counter-productive.

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而吃高脂食物的那一组所摄取的热量则不增加。The higher-fat eates did not increase their calorie intake.

或者,最好是所有的食物都是低热量和低脂肪的。Or, better yet, make all the treats low calorie and low fat.

可口可乐首先投放了低热量的饮料“TAB”。Coca-Cola introduced the first low calorie soft drink, "TAB."

认为“利于心脏的脂肪”和“无脂肪”就等同于低热量。Confusing “heart-healthy fat” or “fat free” with low calorie.

你们看到那边上面写着,一卡路里等于4。2焦耳。You see there on the top there that one calorie is 4.2 joules.

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而且,低热量、不含蔗糖的甜品,吃后不会令体重激增。Sugar- free low calorie desserts will keep you fit and healthy.

不要给你的孩子吃快餐、喝高热量的饮料比如苏打水。Do not feed your child fast foods or high calorie drinks like soda.

不同卡路里含量的食品列入了同一类型Okay, different calorie amounts listed for the same types of foods.

一听汽水里含有10到12勺无营养卡路里糖。There are 10-12 teaspoons of empty calorie sugar in one can of soda.

现在我给你看一个人体卡路里需求表,然后,再带你去量体重。Now I 'll show you calorie charts , and later , take you to the scales.

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冰只有二分之一,卡路里每克每度。Ice is only ice is only one-half calorie per gram per degree centigrade.

现在我给你看一个人体卡路里需求表,然后,再带你去量体重。Now I'll show you the calorie charts, and later, take you to the scales.

买一本关于卡路里含量的书或上网查寻,这样你就会知道你吃的食物中的卡路里的含量。Get a calorie book or go online, but know the calories for your portions.