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腰大肌牵张试验显阴性。Psoas stretch is negative.

右腰大肌肿胀。Swelling of the right psoas.

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左肾和腰肌阴影可模糊不清。The left kidney and psoas shadows may be indistinct.

腰肌和耻骨肌使骨盆轻微前倾。The psoas and pectineus tilt the hip slightly forward.

肾旁后间隙向内侧可延伸至腰大肌的后外侧缘。The posterior pararenal spaces may extend posterolateral to psoas.

在每个节段均暴露出腰大肌、腰丛和神经根。At each segment, the psoas muscle, lumbar plexus, and nerve roots were dissected.

神经鞘瘤位于脊髓附近且靠近腰肌,并造成肌肉萎缩。The schwannoma is over the para-spine, near psoas muscle and causes muscle atrophy.

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健康的腰大肌能提供一个感应灵敏如吊桥一般的连接双腿与躯干。A healthily functioning psoas provides a sensitive suspension bridge between the trunk and the legs.

就好像一个水泵-水帮浦,灵活的腰大肌可以促进身体滑液的流动。Working as a hydraulic pump, a freely moving psoas stimulates the flow of fluids throughout the body.

腰肌与耻骨肌、股直肌和缝匠肌协作,使直腿一侧髋部折叠。The psoas conspires with the pectineus, rectus femoris and Sartorius muscles to bend the straight leg hip.

通过在面朝正前方和侧面的体式中收缩腰肌,从而完成这些站立体式。We accomplish this by first contracting the psoas in poses that face forward, then in poses that face the side.

主要涉及肌肉,在髋关节屈曲的腰肌和髂,统称为髂。The principal muscles involved in hip flexion are the psoas and the iliacus, collectively known as the iliopsoas.

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骨盆保持着平衡,因为腰肌使大腿前侧屈曲,臀肌使大腿前侧伸长或者伸展。The pelvis is kept balanced because the psoas flexes the thigh, and the glutei make the thigh lengthen, or extend.

改进了穿刺方法,探讨腹腔镜成像下的腹膜后腔解剖,提出“一肌二线三带”特点。The modified method of puncture and the laparoscopic appearence of the psoas major muscles and the peritoneum were discribed.

此章节描述了有效激活和唤醒腰肌的站立体式之间的协同作用。This chapter presents a synergistic combination of standing poses that effectively activates and re-awakens the psoas muscle.

方法采用带蒂腰大肌肌膜瓣行肾固定手术治疗肾下垂。Methods The kidney fixation was used to treat nephroptosis by means of the pedicled muscle psoas major with muscle film petal.

输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。The ureter and gonadal ein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero- laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

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输尿管和性腺静脉于腰大肌的前外侧被整体提起朝向肾门切除。The ureter and gonadal vein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero-laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

前任中国足协副主席谢亚龙曾指责女足队员的“叉腰肌”太弱。Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association, once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoas muscles.

谢亚龙,原国家足协主席,有一次批评女足队员,说她们的叉腰肌太弱了。Xie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association, once criticized women players, saying they have weak psoas muscles.