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看到他们真的很可怕。It’s really spooky to see them.

联系我时请说明是在一网打尽看到的,谢谢!It's spooky how cevler some ppl are. Thanks!

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个条友系「死仆街」,只要看他的眼睛就知道。That man is a spooky guy, just look at his eyes!

它列出了一些怪异和有趣的巧合。It featured some spooky and some happy coincidences.

现在我们不再追寻那些令人毛骨悚然的研究方向。Now without pursuing those sorts of spooky lines of enquiry.

詹姆斯开始讲鬼故事的时候,有点让人汗毛直竖。It got a bit spooky when James started telling ghost stories.

她们看到﹐在恐怖的墓地中间孤零零地立着一个坟头。They saw a single grave in the middle of a dark, spooky cemetery.

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但是,也毋庸置疑我的好运气的确有点玄乎。Still, there was no point in denying my almost spooky good fortune.

这是第二次这个主题已经由鬼娃娃重新解释。This is the second time this theme has been reinterpreted by the spooky dolls.

你家看起来好阴森喔。有木乃伊、狼人,甚至还有僵尸。Your house looks really spooky. There are mummies, werewolves and even zombies.

似乎没有任何机构是安全的幽灵般的小木屋在树林中的这些天湖。Seems like no body is safe at spooky cabins in the woods by the lake these days.

这位安多议员把埃瓦赞安置在一个偏远岛屿的古老、阴森城堡里。The Andoan Senator set Evazan up on a remote island, inside an ancient, spooky castle.

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在这些孩子的心目中,“不给糖,就捣蛋”的这一天,是他们可以在学校“装神弄鬼”的好日子。In the minds of these children, "trick or treat" on this day would be spooky in school.

但仅仅几分钟后我们就被领进鬼屋大厅的时候,沮丧立刻变成兴高采烈。Despair turned to elation when we were ushered into the spooky entry hall in just a few minutes.

任何一个曾经住在这个房子里的人,都会听到从房中某个地方传来的恐怖的声音。Anyone who ever lived in the house, heard horribly spooky sounds coming from somewhere in the house.

安琪达西的照片洗出后,看到上有个怪异的男孩,她根本不认识,这令她感到不寒而栗。THIS spooky image of an unknown boy gave Angie D'Arcy the shivers when she had her photos developed.

高架桥本来就是鬼影憧憧的通道,但第16街上的这一座桥据说常有鬼怪出没。Viaducts are spooky tunnels anyway, but the one on 16th Street was supposed to be haunted by ghosts.

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作为万圣节庆祝活动之一,艾泽拉斯的居民们正在酝酿更多令人恐惧的有趣的事情。As part of celebrating Hallow's End, the denizens of Azeroth are brewing up more than just spooky fun.

在他们面前的就是书皮上的那个小镇。事实上,那个小镇看起来即荒凉又恐怖。Right in front of them was the town form the cover of the book. In real life it looked empty and spooky.

它以前曾被当作怪异的迷信活动,而今却成为一种流行的娱乐方式。Previously considered as a type of spooky superstition, today it has become a popular form of entertainment.