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他的微笑很快愣住。His smile soon modified to a wince.

他们微笑和皱眉,畏缩与嘶嘘。Who smile and frown, wince and hiss.

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我们感觉难过但还是会一页页读下去。We wince away from it even as we turn the page.

吞咽一杯虫子蒸馏酒,这想法有没有让你不寒而栗?Do you wince at the thought of swallowing a tequila worm?

为什么有些和弦甜美动听而有些则不堪入耳呢?Why do some chords sound sweet but others make you wince?

金伯利注意到泰瑞用手抓紧了腹部并且因为疼痛发出轻微的哼声。Kimberly notices Teri grab her belly and wince slightly in pain.

对于在数字和公式面前畏缩的人来说,这听起来也许是荒谬的。This may sound absurd to people who wince at numbers and equations.

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一小时接着一小时,我不知道最近的医院在哪里。Hour after hour, I wince and wonder how far the nearest hospital is.

这是一个evc制作的显示时间的软件,在wince平台可以运行,修改。This is a evc show time software, with wince platform can run, modify.

去年他纵情花费,买了一台新的25英寸的电视机,到现在还叫他心疼。Last year's indulgence, a new 25-inch television, still makes him wince.

让我们不要畏缩难学的功课,和逃避教鞭的惩罚了。Let us not shrink from a hard lesson or wince under any rod of chastisement.

丽莎听到了骨肉相碰的声音,然后是一个由于疼痛而退缩的声音。Lisa heard a hollow meeting of flesh and bone and a follow up wince of pain.

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第二应用EVC在嵌入式系统WINCE中完成信息的传输。Second, use the EVC in embedded system WINCE to complete information transmission.

不管我们是否喜欢这个总统,这样的标题会让每个美国人感到害怕。Whether or not you like this president, the headline should make every American wince.

当我们想象那些年轻少女的长发被扯断的时候,我们会感到战栗不已。I think it's impossible not to wince when we imagine the painful tearing of the nymphs' tresses.

有时,在你的生活中,神也把你猛击一下。So, sometimes, God lets a stinging blow fall upon your life. The blood spurts. The nerves wince.

即便现在,当我要面对一桌人同时一起谈论的那种嘈杂声音时,我依然处于某种痛苦的畏避状态。I still kind of wince in pain when faced with the sound of a table of people all talking together.

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他和妻子在照相馆照的银婚纪念照,使他想到妻子已经不在了,这让他感到心酸。The studio picture of him and his wife on their silver anniversary made him wince as thought of her absence.

但是尽管这家餐馆努力营造一种宾至如归的感觉,其热情好客背后的高价格让却令人敬而远之。But try as Madam might to make you feel at home and welcome, the price tag on her hospitality may make you wince.

男人在殊死搏斗时连眉头都不会皱一下,但在女人试图帮他清理伤口的时候都会因为疼痛而畏畏缩缩。A man will show no pain while taking the most ferocious beating, but will wince when a woman tries to clean his wounds.