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我想他以前遭受过和我一样的排斥和冷漠,”Ella说。I think he had felt the ostracism and indifference I had felt, " she says.

一些非洲医士将疾病归咎于巫术,这可能会导致病人受到其他人的排斥。Some African healers blame illness on witchcraft, which can lead to ostracism of those accused.

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那47位参与者遭到罚款、旅行禁令、社会排斥异己在某些情况下,失去了政府部门工作。The 47 participants suffered fines, travel bans, social ostracism and, in some cases, the loss of government jobs.

为了避免因此而受到社会的排斥,他决定娶安东妮雅·米露可娃,一个他几乎完全不了解的女子为妻。To avoid the inevitable ostracism associated with it, he resolved to marry Antonina Miliukova, a woman he hardly knew.

有时,这位与众不同的家伙表现极其贪婪,因为此实验就被设计成研究无耻行为所造成的预期影响。Sometimes this maverick behaved greedily, because the experiment had been designed to study the expected ostracism of cheats.

正是由于这种恐惧,即害怕被排斥的心理,使人们服从而不去质疑那些被广泛接受的观点或流行的趋势。It is that same fear the fear of ostracism that causes people to conform and not question commonly accepted opinions or popular trends.

索尔仁尼琴被他一直战斗的苏维埃体制囚禁、流放长达17年。Mr. Solzhenitsyn outlived by nearly 17 years the Soviet state and system he had battled through years of imprisonment, ostracism and exile.

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北韩在2005年签订了一份协议,发誓要取消他的核武器计划以换取援助,结束对其的国际孤立。North Korea pledged to scrap its nuclear arms programme in return for aid and an end to its international ostracism in a deal signed in 2005.

在课堂以外,年轻男子的年龄面临排斥和谴责社会如果他们不参加战争努力作为志愿者。Outside the classroom, young men of their age faced ostracism and condemnation from society if they did not join the war effort as volunteers.

此前进行的多项研究结果显示,将HIV检测结果呈阳性的信息告知他人的举动可能会带来包括被人们拒绝、排斥、抛弃以及羞辱等在内的多种负面结果。Prior studies have shown that the consequences of disclosing HIV-positive status may include rejection, abandonment, ostracism and degradation.

很显然,马可士利用这次的游行检验他领导其他不满团体的实力与能力,想要形成一种联合势力以避免政治放逐。Clearly, Mar-cos is using this tour to measure his ability to lead other dissatisfied groups, and to form coalitions to avoid political ostracism.

她们勇敢地呼吁进行基本的改革,例如废除奴隶制,争取妇女投票权等,尽管她们受到社会的排斥,有时还陷入经济困境。They courageously demanded fundamental reforms, such as the abolition of slavery and women's suffrage, despite social ostracism and sometimes financial ruin.

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此外,孤立和排斥带来的心理影响非常巨大,他们身体上遭受的痛苦就更不必说了。In addition, the psychological toll of isolation and ostracism can be profound, to say nothing of the physical violence to which HIV-infected people are sometimes exposed.

就在八年之前,一对夫妇还需要他们的单位同意才能离婚,因此许多夫妇因为害怕社会的排斥而年复一年呆在不幸的婚姻里。Until eight years ago, a married couple needed permission from their work unit to divorce, and many stayed in unhappy relationships for decades, scared of social ostracism.

该团体坚持达赖喇嘛对试图实践宗教自由的藏人,一直在悄悄地“促进恐吓,羞辱和排斥的活动”。The group maintains the Dalai Lama has been quietly "fostering a campaign of intimidation, humiliation and ostracism " against Tibetans trying to practice religious freedom.

在历史上的每个时期,人们都会坚信一些荒谬的东西。他们是如此的坚信这些谬论,所以你得冒着被排斥、甚至是被暴力对待的风险,说出不同的观点。At every period of history, people have believed things that were just ridiculous, and believed them so strongly that you risked ostracism or even violence by saying otherwise.

一位科学家会冒因此而被采取不赞成态度的医学界和科学界所排斥的风险,而他会知道任何一家学术刊物都会拒绝发表有关这类主题的论文。A scientist would take the risk of ostracism from a disapproving medical and scientific establishment, and know that journal would possibly refuse to publish any paper on the subject.

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按精神病学的说法,害怕在公众面前说话是因为害怕被排斥,害怕冒尖,害怕被批评,害怕出错,害怕被逐出。According to psychiatrists the fear of public speaking is caused by the fear of ostracism the fear of standing out the fear of criticism the fear of ridicule the fear of being an outcast.

如果情景剧导演们乐于看见观众们为他们的电影而泪流满面的话,他们就不会拿离婚,被人嫌弃抑或是痛失爱人诸如此类生活的、写实的一地鸡毛来恶心观众。If they are happy to have their audience shed hankies, they rarely if ever go so far as to repulse them with the more realistic connotations of divorce, ostracism or the loss of a loved one.

我们能听到比单一个体更多的思想,而在同一段落中,我也看到亚里士多德,赞美放逐的作法,即流放,放逐那些,可能会在某些美德与特质上,特别卓越的个体。We even hear more than any single individual and then in the same text we also hear Aristotle praising the practice of ostracism that is to say exiling banishing those individuals deemed to be pre-eminent in any particular virtue or quality.