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如果脸上起了癣怎么办?。If how tinea rose to do on the face?

脖子上长癣用什么方法好冶?What method good smelt metal does long tinea use on the neck?

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茶籽杀虫效果很好,可以治癣疥。Tea seed reduces bug effect very good, can treat tinea scabies.

股癣是一种真菌在腹股沟区的瘙痒性皮炎。Tinea cruris is a fungal pruritic dermatitis in the inguinal region.

了解如何治愈运动员脚,或足癣,与蒂特里油。Learn how to cure athletes foot " or " Tinea pedis, and tea tree oil.

太原市某体校发生了一起皮肤癣病的流行。A physical school of Taiyuan happened an epidemic disease of skin tinea.

头癣是一种较为常见的原因脱发的儿童。Tinea Capitis is one of the more common reasons for hair loss in children.

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面癣的临床和真菌学特征与体癣相同,其诊断和治疗应与体癣标准一致。Its diagnosis arid therapy should correspond With the norm of tinea corporis.

太原市某体校发生了一起皮肤癣病的流行。A physical school of Taiyuan happened an epidemic disease of skin tinea. 2000.

适合各种肤质,对黑斑、干癣、湿疹有效果。Suitable for any skin type, effective in reducing black speck, dry tinea or eczema.

头癣是补丁表现为脓疱爆发的秃头头皮,具有缩放和。Tinea capitis is manifested by pustular eruptions of the scalp, with scaling and bald patches.

目的观察新型酮康唑喷膜对豚鼠体癣模型的疗效。Objective To observe the effect of ketoconazole spraying film on guinea pig tinea corporis model.

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观察自制中药祛癣方治疗花斑癣的临床疗效。To observe clinical observation on the treatment of tinea versicolor with Quxuan medicinal liquor.

如何提高俯卧撑,如何学习足球专家移动,如何癣传来传去。" How to improve push-ups, and "learn" how to move football experts, and how tinea "passed" around.

如果孩子有头癣,在头部脱发治愈以前,不要让孩子去上学。If the children have tinea capitis, in the head hair loss cure ago, Do not let children go to school.

结论口服国产特比萘芬治疗老年甲真菌病是安全有效的。Conclusions China- made Terbinafine is an effective and safe medication for the elderly with Tinea unguium.

的临床特点头癣有很大的不同取决于物种负责感染。The clinical features of tinea capitis vary considerably depending on the species responsible for the infection.

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目的探讨儿童花斑癣的临床特征、治疗效果以及转归。Objective To investigate the clinical features, therapeutic effect and prognosis of tinea versicolor in children.

结论派克墨水染色是快速诊断花斑癣及糠秕孢子菌性毛囊炎的理想方法。Conclusion Parker ink staining is ideal method for diagnosing tinea versicolor and pityrosporum folliculitis rapidly.

目的观察复方联苯苄唑治疗角化型手足癣的临床疗效。Objective To study the clinical efficiency of Bofonazole solution compound in treating Keratotic tinea hand or pedis.