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我欣赏你的勇气和自立。I admire your spunk and independence.

他鼓起勇气,说出了真相。He got his spunk up and told the truth.

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你应该振奋精神,勇敢地面对事实。You should spunk up and face the facts.

我敬佩她的独立精神和勇气。I admired her independence and her spunk.

那位士兵死后因作战勇敢而受到表彰。After his death, the soldier was cited for spunk.

没必要发火,只要把你的意思告诉她就行了。No need to spunk up, it's ok to speak your ideas to her.

在人体生殖过程中,一个精子使一个卵子受精。In human reproduction, one female egg is usually fertilized by one spunk.

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本周你有孩童般的心,博爱,精力充沛。You will have a childlike approach this week, big hearted and full of spunk.

看一看没有进一步的一个产品,你的生活将投入的仙水。Well look no further for a product that will put the spunk back into your life.

既然做了这一行,就要有胆量把他做到最大最好!Since act is this line of, will there is a spunk achieving him biggest had better!

我将你怀抱在臂弯里,温柔地养育着你,当你不平衡的时候,我帮你找到平衡和勇气。I held you in the crook of my arms and gently nurtured you when you were imbalanced, helping you to reclaim your equilibrium and spunk.

意思几乎就是说所有美国本土的球员天生就有那“强硬”的商标,而在美利坚外出生的球员就没可能有那种与像魔兽霍华德猛撞的脊柱,胆量和决心。It's almost like Americans have the trademark on that "toughness" and no one born outside our borders could possibly have the backbone, nerve or spunk to bang with a monster like Dwight Howard.