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所有事情都使专制君主生气。Everything gives umbrage to a tyranny.

一种用作庇护所的小建筑。Sheltered in the umBrage of a rain forest.

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他的演说触怒了当局。His address gave umbrage to the authorities.

我对她头发的评论使她很不高兴。She took umbrage at my remarks about her hair.

我邀请了她,因为我怕得罪她。I invited her because I was afraid of giving umbrage.

可以预见,对此很多家庭当然都会感到不悦。As you might imagine, some families have taken umbrage.

为了防止他们的另一半感到不快,他们的答案都是保密的。The answers were kept confidential to prevent any partners taking umbrage.

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如果不请她出席婚礼,你认为她不会生气,是吗?You don't think she'll take umbrage if she isn't invited to the wedding, do you?

因此我们都谨慎看待这将是湖人决心的真实考验。So we can all take umbrage in that this will be the Lakers true test of intestinal fortitude.

这一次没有女性主义者出来愤怒了,不仅仅是因为Weiner是右翼民主党人。This time, no feminist umbrage rang out — and not merely because Weiner is a liberal Democrat.

她只有尽力把树荫聚集起来,为他挡住毒辣的阳光。What she could do was just try her best to accumulate the umbrage , to turn back the acrimonious sun.

我的皱眉,愤怒积聚在我的生活里,使我时常疲怠而郁闷。Honestly, my frowning, my loneliness, my umbrage inhabit my life and make me unhappiness all day along.

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目的维持医务人员的合法权益,摆脱目前医患关系之间的阴影。Objectives To vindicate the rights of medical staff and avoid the umbrage between patients and medical staff.

模拟林内光气候状况,探讨防护林林下的遮荫胁地效应。The study was to simulate the condition of light climate and research the function that umbrage hazard in shelter forest.

然而某位记者表示,章大使对于决议书里提到的「双边共识」感到不满。"Zhang took particular umbrage with the use of the expression 'bilateral agreements' in the resolution, " one report said.

虽然我很理解在T恤衫上的话的背景给外国人带来的沮丧,但我也感觉到那些话是得罪人的,也明白为什么有些中国人看了会心中不快。While I certainly understand the frustration behind many of the shirt's points, I myself found the tone of the T-shirt's message offensive and can see why some Chinese took umbrage.

乔治?布什在以色列发表了关于同伊朗对话是“绥靖行为”的评论,对此表示抗议的奥巴马受到冷遇。而奥巴马仍然坚持认为伊朗的威胁同当年苏联的威胁不可同日而语。After taking umbrage at remarks George Bush made in Israel about appeasement, Mr Obama went on to argue that the threat from Iran was not of the same magnitude as that posed by the Soviet Union.