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转世轮回是确有其事还是无稽之谈?Is reincarnation fact or fable?

戈薇是桔梗的转世。Kagome is the reincarnation of Kikyo.

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确实很玄乎的哦!What do we really know about reincarnation?

想象一下如果那就是转世轮回。Imagine that that's the way reincarnation worked.

这个女子要对她的再生负责。And this woman is responsible for a reincarnation.

别在我坟前哭,脏了我轮回的路!Don't cry at my grave, dirty I reincarnation road!

他认为他是匈奴王阿提拉的化身。He thinks he's the reincarnation of attila the hun.

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很多佛教和印度教的人相信再生。Many Buddhists and Hindus believe in reincarnation.

第五世德珠活佛转世灵童被选举出来。Reincarnation of 5th Living Buddha Dezhub selected.

在那里,她解除了犬夜叉的封印,并发现是桔梗转世。Inuyasha and is discovered to be the reincarnation of Kikyo.

让你转世轮回本想让你了却这一段孽缘!Let your reincarnation wanted you to have this a bad romance!

你什么毛病也没有,就算投胎转世也没得救的。There's nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won't cure.

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这就是所谓的喇嘛教,他们坚信轮回。It is called Lamaism and it believes strongly in reincarnation.

荷花投胎至贫苦的何家,取名素女。Lotus reincarnation reaches poor Home He, name element daughter.

主张灵魂解脱,业报轮回和非暴力等。Advocating free soul, Yebao such as reincarnation and non-violence.

于是龙女便下凡投胎在湄洲林家。So she got into the cycle of reincarnation to Lin's family Meizhou.

依我看来,死了就是死了,并没有什么投胎转世。That is exactly what my view of death is without any reincarnation.

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其实,我是不相信什么有天堂地狱,生死轮回的。In fact, I do not believe there is heaven and hell, reincarnation of.

下一个路口,可能是山遥水远,也许是下一个轮回。The next intersection, may be far away, maybe the next reincarnation.

选择红与白,选择无休无止的轮回和等待。Red and white choice, and choice of endless waiting for reincarnation.