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因为他们认为科索沃永远是塞尔维亚的一部分。For them Kosovo will always be part of Serbia.

在面对塞尔维亚上演帽子戏法之后感觉如何?Qué tal el día después de su hat-trick a Serbia?

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三月份,在欧盟的发起下,塞尔维亚与科索沃对话谈判。In March Serbia and Kosovo began EU-sponsored talks.

科索沃是塞尔维亚南部的一个自治省。Kosovo is an autonomous province in southern Serbia.

塞尔维亚统治者米洛舍维奇在一所荷兰监狱逝世。Slobodan Milosevic of Serbia died in a Dutch prison.

本周塞尔威压逮捕了欧洲头号通缉犯。This week, Serbia arrested one of Europe's most wanted men.

塞尔维亚是唐家璇此次欧洲5国之行的第一站。Serbia is the first stop of Tang's five-European-nation tour.

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俄罗斯为什么要趟这趟浑水支持塞尔维亚?Why should Russia go to the trouble of standing up for Serbia?

科索沃阿族人在努力推动独立。Kosovar Albanians are pushing hard for independence from Serbia.

不过,最大的威胁就是轻视塞黑。The biggest risk, however, is to underrate Serbia and Montenegro.

据估计塞尔维亚和黑山有人口1千80万。Serbia and Montenegro has an estimated population of 10.8 million.

同时,塞尔维亚的卫冕冠军阿娜•伊万诺维奇仅为八号种子。Meanwhile, defending champion Ana Ivanovic of Serbia is seeded eight.

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有关官员已经下令所有塞尔维亚地区傢禽都必须关在饲养室里。Officials have ordered all domestic birds in Serbia to be kept inside.

就在此后不久,他在西伯利亚遭遇了一场蹊跷的车祸,因此丧生。Soon afterwards, he was killed in a suspicious car accident in Serbia.

在塞尔维亚的贝尔格莱德,防暴警察在一场反同性恋的抗议活动中拘留了一个男人。Riot police detain a man during an anti-gay protest in Belgrade, Serbia.

上一次领导人会议于3年前在塞尔维亚诺维萨德举行。The last summit meeting in the Novo Wei Sade 3 years ago, held in Serbia.

塞黑将继续坚定奉行一个中国的政策。Serbia and Montenegro will continue to firmly stick to the one-China policy.

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同理,西班牙国旗和塞尔维亚国旗也是三色、水平走向。Likewise the flag of Spain is a horizontal tricolor, as is the flag of Serbia.

位于改革前列的有五个东欧国家,塞尔维亚与黑山名列第一。Five of the top reformers were from Eastern Europe led by Serbia and Montenegro.

不出所料,科索沃的议会投票赞成脱离塞尔维亚独立。As expected, Kosovo's parliament has voted in favour of independence from Serbia.