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这是真正的斗士的气魄。That is the true gladiator feeling.

鹅卵石皮革黑角斗士凉鞋。Pebbled leather gladiator sandals in black.

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这里也有一大片格斗者的墓地。It is also the site of a large Gladiator graveyard.

斗士古铜色的脸膛顿时涨得通红。A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator.

她那被太阳晒黑了的娇嫩的双颊泛起了红晕。A blush mantled over the bronzed cheek of the gladiator.

观众决定斗士的生死。败阵斗士垂下双臂表示投降。A defeated gladiator would lower his arms as a sign of surrender.

获得头衔“暴蓝田墨玉怒角斗士”。Achieved Vicious Gladiator title. Achieved Ruthle Gladiator title.

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雷加把她从牢狱里买了出来,然后给她进行搏斗比赛士训练。Reghar bought her from the jail and took her for gladiator training.

一双及踝罗马鞋会使你的腿看上去很短。A pair of ankle-high gladiator shoes will cut the length of your legs.

过膝长裙加及踝罗马鞋绝对是时尚禁忌。Ankle-high gladiator shoes with a calf-length dress is definitely a no-no.

然而,在拉塔塔克的角斗场里,光有天生的蛮力有时还不够。In the gladiator pits of Rattatak, however, raw strength is sometimes not enough.

当地的角斗场现在成为音乐会场地,但是很久以前,在那里举行角斗士表演。The local arena is used for concerts now, but long ago it held gladiator battles.

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一双及踝罗马鞋会使你的腿看上去很短。A pair of ankle-high gladiator shoes will cut the length of your legs. What’s left?

比如你想要他来个角斗士造型,叫别让他在你的鞋柜里漫无目的地寻找。If you want him in a gladiator costume, don't let him start poking around in your shoe closet.

除了短袜配凉鞋,罗马鞋和连体裤也成为本季的潮流风向标。Along with socks-and-sandals combos, gladiator shoes and jumpsuits are also trendy this season.

作为对他公开反抗罗马总督的惩罚,斯巴达克斯被判处在角斗场上战死。As punishment for defying a Roman Legate, Spartacus has been sentenced to die in the gladiator arena.

我并不想拥有如道格拉斯般健硕的肌肉,也不想成为角斗场上奋战的勇士。I didn't want to have gigantic muscles like Douglas, nor did I want to fight in the ring and be a gladiator.

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角斗士军队最终被强大的敌军包围并消灭,斯巴达克斯战役到生命的最后一息。Gladiator army was eventually powerful enemy surrounded and destroy, spartacus fight until last breath of life.

但是马克西姆斯逃跑了,被奴隶商抓住,最终成为了一个角斗士,在竞技场里为他的生命而战斗。But Maximus escapes, gets captured by slave traders and ends up as a gladiator fighting for his life in the arena.

角斗士反正是些死囚,与其杀了,不如废物利用来娱乐大家,和今天的超女差不多。Gladiator anyway is some death row, and kill, as recycling to entertain everybody, and today's super girls almost.