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偶尔我还能在咖啡机里发现几只淹死的老鼠。I occasionally found drowned mice in the coffeemaker.

到1908年,第一个滴滤式咖啡壶问世。And by 1908, the first drip coffeemaker was introduced.

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听着警卫室里有个咖啡机对吧?Look, there's a coffeemaker in the guard 's room , right?

咖啡机公司总部设在江西宜春。The coffeemaker Base company is located in the Jiangxi Ichun.

我们有一种两部煮咖啡的方法,我们也确实喜欢它。We have a Cuisinart Two-to-Go Coffeemaker and absolutely love it.

最后,以咖啡机为例说明了上述方法。Finally, the coffeemaker is used to illustrate the design methodology.

如果你煮出来的咖啡总是味道很淡还有些苦,那很可能是你的咖啡壶需要清理了。If your coffee consistently comes out weak or bitter, odds are, your coffeemaker needs cleaning.

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冲泡一单杯咖啡在家喝或是带着外出路上喝,这种情况下最适合选择单杯咖啡机。For brewing a personal cup of coffee at home or on-the-go, nothing's better than a single cup coffeemaker.

对于一些喜欢喝咖啡的人士来说,把新鲜的咖啡粉倒入到咖啡机,可以说是他们一天美好的开始。For some java drinkers, pouring fresh-ground coffee into their coffeemaker is the perfect start to their day.

每次冲泡咖啡时都需要往咖啡机中加水,这肯定是不方便的,特别是忙碌的早餐时间。It isn't always convenient to refill the coffeemaker with water every time you need a cup, especially first thing in the morning.

通过连接咖啡机到电脑和个人电脑连接到互联网,咖啡鉴赏家可以远程编造的完美一杯咖啡。By hooking up the coffeemaker to a PC and connecting the PC to the Internet, coffee connoisseurs can remotely concoct the perfect cup of coffee.

为了能提供最大的便利,可以在头天晚上把咖啡机加好水及添加您喜欢的咖啡,设置成第二天早晨您醒来时冲泡热腾腾的咖啡。For the ultimate convenience, fill the coffeemaker with water and your favorite coffee the night before and program for a hot cup right as you wake up.

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捏一些食盐放进你的咖啡机里,这会去除咖啡中的一些苦味,改善咖啡的味道。Add a pinch of salt to the coffee in the basket of your coffeemaker. This will improve the coffee's flavor by helping to remove some of the bitter taste.

杯子,过滤器,过滤篮,洗碗机杯盖子是安全的,和咖啡,也可以用来加热茶,热巧克力水,如燕麦粥和汤方便食品。The mug, filter, filter basket, and mug lid are dishwasher-safe, and the coffeemaker can also be used to heat water for tea, hot chocolate, and instant foods like oatmeal and soup.

对于其他一些咖啡爱好者,快速把咖啡包放入咖啡机,然后在几分钟内即可享受一杯热咖啡,对他们来说简直是无与伦比的感受。For other coffee lovers, being able to quickly insert a pre-packaged, single portion pack into their coffeemaker and enjoy a piping hot cup in a few minutes is a match made in heaven.