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做一个提前预约。Make a preconception appointment.

我对它没有任何的先入之见。I don't have any preconception about it.

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克拉拉心中充满了模糊的成见。Clara was full of a sombre preconception.

是什么偏见引发这个反应呢?What preconception triggers this reaction?

是一种偏见它将痛苦视为一种错误is the preconception that suffering is a mistake

认为男人不能插花的偏见已经不复存在了。There's no longer the preconception that men cannot arrange flowers.

在你预约期间,从医生那得到可以锻炼的回复。During your preconception appointment, get your doctor's OK to exercise.

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伽达默尔愿意牺牲,因为他相信先入之见不可避免。Gadamer is willing to sacrifice because of his belief in the inescapability of preconception.

如果我们读书时能抛弃所有这些成见,那将是一个极可贵的开端。If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an admirable beginning.

如果在读书的时候,我们可以排出所有类似的偏见,那么这将是一个良好的开端。If we could banish all such preconception when we read, that would be an adminrable beginning.

将2008年参加孕妇学校的360名孕妇列为对照组,采用传统的教学模式实施健康教育。In 2008, we used traditional teaching model to implement preconception care for 360 pregnant women.

设计团队补充道,“人们通常有种偏见,新加坡气候过于炎热潮湿,并不适合进行户外活动。”There is often a preconception that the climate is too hot and humid to make active use of outdoor space.

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1系列的最终版本,它改变了“CD声音没有个性。”的偏见。The ultimate version of the CD-1 series, which changed the preconception that "CD sound has no personality. ""

现在人们可以有很多爱好,而且认为男性不应该从事花道的观念也不复存在。There are many hobbies people can do now and there's no longer the preconception that men cannot arrange flowers.

尽管我们知道它的意思是,不可避免的先入为主的看法,可能是不好的。while plainly we can understand it simply to mean preconception which is inescapable nevertheless can still be bad.

这些研究成果给概念教学提供了丰富的启示,产生了很大影响。Vygotsky's initial research into Preconception has significantly influenced today's educational and teaching theories.

学说和训练正在得到回报,日本对于苏联敌人如何战斗的预想看起来也是正确的。Doctrine and training were paying off and the Japanese preconception of how their Soviet foe would fight also seemed accurate.

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提前预约的见面也是一个很好的解决困扰你的关于在你这个年龄受精或怀孕的所有问题的大好时机。The preconception appointment is a great time to address any concerns you might have about fertility or pregnancy at your age.

然而随着越来越多的学生们开始健康的生活方式,戒酒并且做运动,上面的形象就不免失真了。However, this preconception might be misconceived as students are switching to a more health conscious lifestyle involving teetotalism and exercise.

这种现象的成因是原始思维对语言的巨大影响以及原始初民在生活中缺乏秩序和稳定而要寻求整洁与对称的心理定势的作用。This had resulted from the great influence of the primitive thinking upon language and the primitive psychological preconception of neatness and symmetry.