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反规避措施是反倾销法的重要组成部分。Anti-circumvention measure is the important component of antidumping law.

倾销幅度测算是裁定倾销以及实施反倾销措施的依据和基础。Estimation of dumping ranges is the basis of carrying out antidumping measures.

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首例新闻纸反倾销案已经终裁。Final award has already been made on the first newsprint paper antidumping case.

针对中国商品所实行的反倾销和保护性关税已经导致了数起以牙还牙的案例。Antidumping and safeguard tariffs on Chinese goods have sparked tit-for-tat cases.

越来越多的国家正在实施反倾销法,增加了倾销行为的曝光机会。The fact that more countries are adopting antidumping laws to increase this ex- poseur.

上周,欧盟对中国进口的螺钉和螺栓施加反倾销关税,此项关税旨在惩罚那些低于成本销售商品的行为。Last week, the EU also slapped antidumping tariffs on imports of Chinese screws and bolts.

了解欧共体反倾销退税制度,有利于我国完善反倾销退税制度。It is important to know how EC reimburses antidumping duties to develop Chinese refund system.

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由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。The positive externality of antidumping and "free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.

由于反倾销具有正外部性,中国很多企业“搭便车”,造成反倾销的负数和博弈。The positive externality of antidumping and" free ride" of enterprise lead to the negative-sum game.

倾销与反倾销是国际经济贸易交往的伴生物。Dumping and antidumping have always accompanied with the international economic and trade association.

尽管在欧盟对自由贸易的鼓励的前提下,近几年其反倾销政策已经宽松了不少。EU antidumping measures also had been down in recent years, as the bloc moved to encourage free trade.

反倾销税由于能使倾销者按较低的价格提供商品而有利于进口国。An antidumping duty could benefit the importing nation by causing the dumper to deliver at a lower price.

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鲍恩的数据显示,最糟糕的阶段可能还在后面。Mr Bown 's data, organised into the Global Antidumping Database, suggests the worst could yet be to come.

他还提到,巴西对中国产太阳镜征收了反倾销税,这让他无法再向那里出口眼镜。He also mentions Brazilian antidumping tariffs on Chinese sunglasses, which prevent him from selling there.

本文建立了两国古诺博弈模型,说明了目前反倾销政策盛行的原因。In this paper we use cournot model to analyse why antidumping is so popular in nowadays' international trade.

第三、四、五章分别对新闻纸、铜版纸两个反倾销案例的一系列经济效应进行了实证分析。Chapter3, 4 and 5 demonstrated a series of economic effect of Newsprint and Copperplate paper antidumping cases.

北京也可以向欧洲提供更多的自身市场的开放,以使布鲁塞尔改变反倾销的政策。Beijing could offer additional market opening of its own in exchange for a change of Brussels antidumping policy.

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本文描述了当前的国际反倾销形势,对我国的反倾销救济提出了建议。This paper provides an over view of current antidumping situation and bring some suggestion of antidumping remand.

目前,吴坚律师正撰写有关国际反倾销和信息技术法律服务领域的系列专著。Currently, he is working on books in the international antidumping and information technology legal service fields.

在反倾销司法会计中,司法鉴定执业人依其法定身份的要求,运用专业知识进行判断。In antidumping forensic accounting, appraisers identify with their professional knowledge, as their legal status requires.