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紫罗兰-蓝色色调的坦桑蓝宝石仿佛是来自天堂的圣灵之石。Blue-violet hues of Tanzanite look like drops from heaven.

令人感叹的色泽和切割就是这款坦桑石耳环的诱人之处。Stunning color and cut are key to these Tanzanite Earrings.

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这是正常的坦桑石吊坠在广泛的形状和风格。It is normal to see tanzanite pendants in wide range of shapes and styles.

梨形坦桑石上镶嵌着单颗的钻石。Our pear shaped Tanzanite gemstones are topped with a single white Diamond.

而经典迷人的藕荷紫色水晶,则使这款配饰完美配搭日常装扮。The timeless colouring of the Tanzanite crystal makes this piece ideal for everyday wear.

椭圆形坦桑石,钻石镶嵌在环形的独特设计上。Oval Tanzanite and Diamonds are "looped" together for a unique design in high-fashion jewelry.

一对镀金,钻链耳环穗与梨状坦桑石缎晶体。A pair of gold-plated, chain tasseled pierced earrings with pear-shaped Tanzanite Satin crystals.

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经典款式的耳钉上镶嵌着非常美丽的总重1.00克拉的坦桑石。Classic styling meets the exotic beauty of Tanzanite in our 1.00 Carat Total Weight stud earrings.

笔杆镶有160颗闪烁夺目的藕荷紫色水晶,在您书写时不断映照出瑰丽光彩。The body is filled with 160 sparkling Tanzanite crystals, creating magnificent light reflections as you write.

坦桑石耳钉其特有的蓝色光和紫色光使它更加完美且时尚,并且镶嵌在14K黄金上。Our ever-changing Tanzanite go from blue to violet to purple on a whim in a perfectly modern, 14K yellow gold setting.

这款项链融入时尚别致的Y形设计,展现深浅不一的黑矿色和藕荷紫银彩几何切割水晶。With its trendy Y-shaped silhouette, this necklace gleams with geometric, facetted crystals envisaging the spectra of all shades that range from Jet Hematite to Tanzanite Satin.

坦桑蓝宝石独有的魅力和吸引人之处在于,从不同角度和不同的光线下呈现出不同的颜色,或深蓝或紫罗蓝般的蓝紫色,而且由于其产量的稀少。The Tanzanite 's attractive and distinctive ability to change color from deep purple-blue to violet-blue depending upon light and movement as well as its rarity enhances its appeal.

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这款清新亮丽的穿孔耳环,以精致迷人的镀白金色饰链搭配闪烁悦目的藕荷紫色水滴形水晶坠饰,实属瞩目耀眼的精心杰作。Bright and refreshing, this pair of pierced earrings sparkles in Tanzanite crystal and is a true eye-catcher. The drop-shaped crystals dangle from delicate rhodium-plated chain elements.