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不要让它的大小误导你了。Don't let its size misguide you.

我很认真地不误导你们。I am careful not to misguide you.

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不要试图误导群众让他们忽略真实的威胁。Don't misguide the people from the real threat.

不要试图误导群众让他们忽略真正的威胁。Don't misguide the people from the real threat.

使消费者经济利益受损、甚至有危及生命健康的危险。Celebrity false advertising not only misguide even threated life or health.

因为它们的错误引导,造成全球天气变坏。Because their misguide and result in the weather in the world's growing worse.

此外,他们将误导那些思想单纯的人,这将导致一个恶心循环。In addition, they will also misguide the innocent, which becomes a vicious circle.

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对一个误导引起的队伍好好的人没有是做是必须的。All that is needed for the triumph of a misguide cause is that good people do nothing.

更糟的是,一些广告为了赢得人们的关注想方设法误导自动搜索引擎。What makes things worse is that some ads try every means to misguide people's attention.

低质量的审计工作则会使报表使用者决策失误,从而使其利益遭受损失。Low-quality auditing will misguide the voucher users to make decision and let them lose money.

我想作者从中国那里获得了好处,或者中国为了误导人们而雇佣他写这种书。I think this author got kick from China or China paid him to write this kind of book just to misguide people.

第四条广告不得含有虚假的内容,不得欺骗和误导消费者。Article 4 An advertisement may not contain any false and deceiving information, and may not cheat or misguide consumers.

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这样的人生态度,就是为了不让个人的意识去误导道的自然运作,干扰道的安排。The attitude of life precludes people's mind from the misguide operation of the Nature and from the arrangement of the Tao.

但也存在着本身的不足之处,比如信息过为庞杂使学习者容易迷航,教师在知识、方法等方面准备不足等。Meanwhile there are some disadvantages on Web such as complex information as to misguide learners and to fail teachers preparing in knowledge and methods.

假目标把激光信号反射回敌人激光制导武器去误导它将会去打击假目标而并非一个真正的。The fake targets reflects the laser signal back to the enemy's laser guided weapon to misguide it so that it will hit the fake target rather than the real one.

其代价既有历史前进必须付出的牺牲,也有某种幻影误导下的生命力的虚掷。The price for it comprises the sacrifice that is imperative for historical advancement and the wasted human vitality as a result of the misguide of certain illusory things.

媒体为了追求经济利益,不负责任地盲目跟从于世俗话题也是造成女性形象不断被刻板化表现的另一原因。On the other hand, media has to take its own responsibility for stereotype due to the irresponsible follow of secular culture and thus misguide the mass's understanding of women's identities.