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私人游艇属于那些深爱大海的亿万富翁。A private yacht is a must for seafaring billionaires.

毛利家拥有漫长的航海史,而且是无可比拟的海上霸主。The Mori have a long history of seafaring and are sea masters without equal.

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长期在海上而产生的与世隔绝的感觉有时会对你和你的家庭产生不良后果。The isolation of seafaring can sometimes take its toll on you and your family.

“鲁滨逊漂流记”是一个航海传奇性西尔维亚圣主演。"Robinson Crusoe on Sin Island" is a seafaring sex saga starring Silvia Saint.

你们的理性与热情,是你们航行中的灵魂的舵与帆。Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

阿道克船长是主人公丁丁最好的朋友,他是一个身价亿万的航海商人、船长。He is Tintin's best friend, a multi-millionaire seafaring Merchant Marine Captain.

从古至今,巴夭族的人们在热带季风气候中,一直过着海上游牧名族的生活。Historically, the Bajau people have lived a nomadic seafaring life in this tropical monsoon climate.

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长期以来,她一直被航海者和沿海居民作为保护神而奉祀。For centuries, seafaring people and coastal dwellers of China have always revered Ma Zu as their palladium.

你不会理解我海化的思想,我也无意让你理解。我愿独自投身于大海。Thou canst not understand my seafaring thoughts, nor would I have thee understand. I would be at sea alone.

我们再也没有听到希尔弗的任何消息,这个可怕的独腿水手终于彻底从我的生活中消失了。Of Silver we have heard no more. That formidable seafaring man with one leg has at last gone clean out of my life.

目前,一只四国科学家小组已经开始远洋航行,去研究大西洋到底是什么颜色。A team of scientists from four countries have set out on a seafaring expedition to discover what color the Atlantic Ocean is.

牙买加最早的居民是阿拉瓦人,南美航海渔民乘舟跨越加勒比海才来到这里。The first inhabitants of Jamaica were the Arawaks, a seafaring people from South America who crossed the Caribbean in canoes.

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“苏麻离青”是郑和下西洋时期的特定产物,学术界没有理由将其混淆。"Su Ma Li Qing" is the special production of Zheng He's Seafaring period, there is no reason to have it obscured in academia.

除了能确定他们是水手以及操着康沃尔郡口音之外,他无法描绘出关于袭击者更多的东西。He could give no description of his assailants except that they were certainly seafaring men, and, by their speech, Cornishmen.

中国的航海史随着明朝禁海政策的开始而宣布结束,而另一个大航海时代在欧洲悄然开始,这就是史上著名的地理大发现时代。The history of China's seafaring exploration came to an end when the Ming Dynasty carried out the policy of "maritime embargo".

方舟似的房子如此与船相仿,一些考古学家相信这些山区住民可能曾有航海历史。The ark-shaped dwellings so resemble ships that some anthropologists believe that these mountain people may have a seafaring past.

但奇怪的是,希腊人,虽然对海洋有着极度的恐惧,但同时,他们又是一个活跃于海上的民族That's a very strange thing because the Greeks turn out to be an enormously active seafaring people with tremendous fear of the seas.

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月与日正在船的左右,而我们是向正南进行——海行九天以来,至现在始辨方向。Our southbound ship was sailing right between the sun and the moon---after nine days' seafaring , I finally recognized the directions.

最后潘克洛夫也困了,航海的生涯使他对什么都习惯了。Sleep at last tookpossession of Pencroft, whom a seafaring life had habituated to anything. Gideon Spilett alone was kept awake by anxiety.

目前已经成为国内最大的海员信息交流平台,也是目前唯一一家为在役海员拥有的公益性质网站。So far, it has become the biggest seafaring information exchange platform in China. It is also the only non-benefit website serving seafarers.