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修辞之刀被拔出了。The rhetorical knives are out.

宏伟打算达到口尾下的下潮。The Grand Design reached its rhetorical apogee.

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它可以是修辞意义上的问句,也可以是一个真实的问题。It can be a rhetorical question or a real question.

换句话说依迪斯用了个修辞的问句。In other words, Archie has asked a rhetorical question.

同时,这些问题也都只是反问句。On the other hand, all these questions were rhetorical.

如何获得能煽动人的领导力来让我们发动起来。How do we get rhetorical leadership that jump-starts us?

本文论述修辞格的英语成语。This paper discusses rhetorical devices of English idioms.

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你能把这个陈述句改成反问句吗?Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?

我不知道,热而且很高兴-这是夸张的说法,低能。I don't know. Hot and really happy. -That was rhetorical , moron.

当然我们也没有证据显示女士的话语自由。Of course, we have no evidence of the Lady's rhetorical liberation.

第二部分对作者所运用到的一些修辞手法进行分析。The second part dissects the rhetorical methods used by the author.

这种文体风格我因为它过分藻饰华丽已经存心放弃了。It is a style which I have deliberately abandoned as too rhetorical.

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这首诗以修辞型问句结尾。Now the rhetorical question completes the usual reading of the poem.

他第一次使用我们华丽辞藻是什么时候?When did that first weep through our hoard of rhetorical flourishes?

这位田纳西参议员选择了一条俗套的路线。In this, the Tennessee Senator follows a well-worn rhetorical path.

我竭力想让这个问题听上去诚恳一点,而不仅仅是矫饰。I tried to make the question sound sincere, and not merely rhetorical.

所以雄辩术是一种危险的,可能危及灵魂的才华。So rhetorical skills are dangerous, potentially soul-imperiling gifts.

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在此之前,oxymoron是一个技术术语,用来描述一种夸张的装置。Before that oxymoron was a technical term describing a rhetorical device.

如果他看到这样一个光鲜的、辞藻华丽的表演,苏格拉底一定非常失望。Socrates was withering when it came to a polished rhetorical performance.

罗伯特肯尼迪从没想过要复制马丁路德金的演讲修辞技巧。Robert Kennedy never tried to copy Martin Luther King's rhetorical skills.