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而我认为这显然是错误的。This seems to me to be just patently false.

所有这些报道都是子虚乌有的。Is behind all this. All of which is patently false.

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最后一句话让她懊悔不已,因为这显然会破坏了她的说服力。It's the last sentence she regrets, because it is so patently undermining.

但每一个人都认为政府的公众形象至关重要,并显然有待提升。Critical to one and all is the Government's public image which patently needs some work.

由于这个道理是如此明显,但人却不明白,所以这也就是我们会如此痛苦,并且如此痛切的反讽。That this is so patently obvious is what makes it so utterly painful, and so poignantly ironic.

显然克罗地亚全队缺乏自信和能够威胁到快速的英格兰防守的跑动。Croatia patently lacked self-belief and had no pace with which to threaten the speedy English defence.

一个干着本行的医生问一个正洗着橱窗的医生近来如何,显然是可笑的。It was patently ridiculous for a doctor practicing his profession to ask a doctor washing windows how he was.

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从对比中,得出我国的中小板上市公司资本结构明显不合理的结论。From the contrast, result that the capital structure of listed SMEs exist patently unreasonable phenomenon can be got.

奥巴马在美国广播公司早间新闻节目上说,费拉罗的评论非常荒唐,而且具有分裂性。Senator Obama called Ferraro's comments "patently absurd" and "divisive." He spoke to ABC News' morning television show.

有时他们为了完成任务会投机取巧甚至出现一些不道德和违法的行为。Sometimes they will manipulate the schedule for completing tasks or even engage in patently unethical and illegal behavior.

甚至是最不留心的观察家都可以明显地看到美国领导层在气候变化问题上的深刻分歧。That the U.S. leadership is deeply divided on climate change has been patently obvious to even the most casual observer here.

选举的修复可能会是复杂的,可能只是似是而非的版本,即可能以粗燥的、明显人为形式。Electoral fixes can come in sophisticated and just about plausible versions, or they can come in crude and patently contrived forms.

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政府附属的建筑商要么忽视法律,要么运用“历史性”、“重建”之类词汇公开形容新建筑物。Government- affiliated builders either ignore the law or use words like "historic"and "restoration"to describe patently new construction.

从赛后的双方对对方的赞许和祝福看来,很明显地,参与其中的每一个人都非常享受周三晚德国杯四分之一决赛的交锋。Everyone involved patently enjoyed Wednesday's cup quarter-final clash, as the aftermath featured mutual compliments and best wishes all round.

蒯因的主要目标是认识论中的经验主义传统,但他的结论却与整个分析哲学的议程密切相关。Quine's target was mainly the empiricist tradition in epistemology, but his conclusions were patently germane to the agenda of analytical philosophy.

这只是儿童们撒娇邀宠,因为老妈们正在哄闹着他们。意气用事,必不可少。当然,老妈不应该让孩子们明白,她最宠爱谁。This is the younger sibling acting up because mom is playing favorites. Childish, indeed. But mom shouldn't make it so patently clear who her favorite is either.

此外,“印度移民局”还说了一番错误较不明显但仍极富争议的话,向中国读者保证如果他们选择移民印度,将获得较高的社会地位。In a less patently false though still highly debatable statement, the 'Bureau' assured its Chinese readers that they would enjoy high status if they chose to immigrate.

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如果在天黑前能赶回营地,我们就用不着在外面晾着了,你也用不着像个白痴一样喋喋不休这些令人不爽的事情了。If we are going to make it back to the campsite before dark then we can't ⑨hang around while you rhapsodise like a moron about what is patently unpleasant and uncomfortable.

Bogdanov得出的这个推论,在很多人看来相当荒谬,尤其是那些不舍得用生命中的十年时间去发展一个宏大的理论的人们。Bogdanov’s “scientific” reasoning here, would sound patently absurd to anyone who hadn’t spent the last 10 years of their life attempting to develop a unifying theory of everything.

在它的末日世界中并没有明显的“对”与“错”,而你的所说所做都会影响到其他人对你的看法,就像现实生活中一样。There is no patently "right" or "wrong" way to go through that postapocalyptic world--but the things you say and do alter how people perceive you, just as they do in our preapocalyptic world.