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隆起的或与之相关的。Of or relating to an apophysis.

并有多个突起呈不规则形状。And the multiple apophysis showed irregular shape.

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目的探讨三维超声对胆囊内隆起样病变的诊断价值。Objective To study the clinical value of 3D-ultrasound in diagnosis of the apophysis lesions of gallbladder.

或是疤痕样表面光滑的纤维样斑,无明显毛细血管扩张、溃疡及隆起。Or it is the fiber appearance spot with scar shape smooth face without dilate of apparent blood capillary ulcer and apophysis.

扫描电镜观察,黏附细胞为梭型或多角型表现,并有多个突起呈不规则形状。Scanning electron microscope indicated that adherent cells showed shuttle shape or multiple angle shape, and the multiple apophysis showed irregular shape.

同时,该区地下构造也非常复杂,中浅层受东营中央隆起带的影响,断裂系统非常发育。Besides, the underground construct of this area is also very complicated, and the rupture system in mid-shallow layer is developed owing to Dongying center apophysis.

根据计算结果和实际情况的比较反证了在软粘土中应用该模型是适合的,同时,对基坑开挖施工、地表沉降预计等作了定性的分析。With the help of numerical simulation, the surface settlement, the apophysis on the bottom of foundation and the level displacement were calculated and analyzed by using FEM program.

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铲形马蒂蛛雄蛛触肢之插入器为带状,末端回转一圈,并且触肢胫节突起呈铲形,末端扩大、截平,并有细齿状突起,与本属其他种类可资区别。It can be distinguished from other congeners by having a coiled ribbon-shaped embolus and a spatulate tibial apophysis widened distally and densely covered with fine denticles on its distal end.

以厦门市某工业园项目实际工程为背景,对试验区夯沉量、地表隆起及动力触探检测结果进行分析,得出强夯置换法处理工程软弱地基达到了预期的加固效果。Taking the actual project as an example, based on the sinks of the tamped area, the apophysis and the dynamic penetration result, this technique can achieve the anticipated reinforcement effect.

进入新世纪,环渤海经济带将成为中国第三大经济隆起带,成为最具有发展活力和竞争力的新的增长区域。Enter new century, belt of economy of annulus Bohai Sea will become China belt of apophysis of the 3rd old economy, become the new growth area that has development vigor and competition ability most.