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她有权表达她的意见。Shes entitled to her own opinion.

领主有权实行监护。The lord was entitled to wardship.

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题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?Entitled "Can Twitter Make You Amoral?

每个州都有两个参议员席位。Each state is entitled to two senators.

大使被尊称为“阁下”。An ambassador is entitled “Your Excellency”.

你方有权对任何仲裁员表示异议。You is entitled to challenge any arbitrator.

他给字典题名为“我们的环境”。He entitled the dictionary "Our environment".

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我有权被指定为你方代办署理。Im entitled to being appointed as your agent.

他是最了解他的工作题为诗章。He is most known for his work entitled Cantos.

这一名为“法国人是牢骚鬼吗?。The survey, entitled "Are the French moaners?"

名誉会员不享有表决权。Titulary members shall not be entitled to vote.

作为的车司机我们有权收小费。Well, as taxi-drivers we are entitled to a tip.

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布道的话题是,智慧地生活。And the sermon was entitled "Living With Wisdom".

没有人可以无限期地借阅这本书。Nobody is entitled to borrow the book indefinitely.

回答问题引出了发现者,你为什么不试着这样做呢?The discoverer is entitled to reply, why didn't you?

我认为我有权利知道为什么那份工作不给我。I think Im entitled to know why I wasnt given the job.

相信不论什么情况下,自己都有权利干任何事情。Believe that, no matter what, you are entitled to things.

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有权批准或否定一切物料及车间产品的使用和产品出厂。Entitled to accept and reject any materials and products.

第二节「照境与用思」。The second section is entitled "reflection and thinking."

雇用残疾人士的企业可以减税。Enterprises are entitled to tax cuts if employing invalids.