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他说服其国人接受其价值观。He convinced his countrymen of his value.

但我们的国人似乎持相反的意见。But our countrymen seem to hold the opposite opinion.

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她父母叫她不要瞧不起乡下人。Her parents tell her not to look down upon countrymen.

主席深受国人敬仰。The Chairman is enthroned in the hearts of his countrymen.

现在我希望他们不要步捷克队的后尘。Now I'm hoping they won't do what my fellow countrymen did.

这名年轻的尼泊尔人与九名同乡分享一个房间。The young Nepali shares a room with nine of his countrymen.

你和你的国人怎么能杀死那么多耶胡呢?How could you and your countrymen kill so many other Yahoos ?

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我来柏林之前,我的很多同胞已来过此地。I come to Berlin as so many of my countrymen have come before.

证实受益于它的我们同胞有多少千万?To how many thousands of our countrymen has it proved benefit?

全国人民对总统的去世感到深深的哀痛。All the countrymen felt deeply sorry for the President's death.

在这方面,他与他同胞的通性是不相同的。In this he was different from the generality of his countrymen.

但是揆一的同胞却不像他的对手那样仁慈。But Coyett's own countrymen were not as merciful as his adversary.

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战争植入了克罗地的心脏和他的国民脑海中。Fighting has put Clottey in the hearts and minds of his countrymen.

其结果在于全国同胞的努力。The result depends upon the endeavor made by the fellow countrymen.

亲眼看见我的骨肉同胞被一伙外国人打败,我受不了哇。I cannot bear to see my countrymen defeated by a parcel of foreigners.

伤痛的记忆仍然留在数百万同胞的内心中。The remembrance rankles still in the bosoms of millions of the countrymen.

我从来没见过我的同胞们如此展露自己真实的情感。I had never before seen such a display of genuine emotion from my countrymen.

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他们和他们的同党正在城里四处监视本国国民。They and their colleagues were all over the city, spying on their countrymen.

稻米和大豆被出口到印度和中国,农民们却挣扎在温饱线上。It sends your rice and beans to India and China, while your countrymen starve.

伍子胥虽然报了仇,但是受到国人的责备。Yet he suffered agonies of remorse, because his countrymen called him a traitor.