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不可以在床上单脚跳。No more hopping on the bed.

海外华人迎新春,悉尼同胞庆兔年。Year of the Rabbit gets Sydney hopping.

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游戏要求玩家单脚跳跃,同时,组成一个圈。Create a circle while hopping on one foot.

你好,麦特。我正在玩跳格子。Hi, Matt. I'm playing the hopping numbers.

窗外的荒野上,一群蟾蜍正在四处跳跃。A group of toads were hopping about on the moor.

“跳槽”是借势自我落实政策的主动行为。Job hopping is the initiative act on the policy.

孩子们在地上单腿跳来跳去的玩耍。The children were hopping to play on the ground.

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我知道周日湖人将疯狂反扑。I know the Lakers will come out hopping on Sunday.

一群小女孩一边玩独脚跳,一边唱歌。A troop of little girls had gone hopping and singing.

严重的脚癣能让把人逼疯。A bad case of athlete's foot can drive you hopping mad.

为什么让人质在光天化日之下活跃在伊利市?Why send a hostage hopping around Erie in broad daylight?

别再床上单脚跳,否则牙齿将染红。No more hopping on the bed, Or your teeth will turn rosy red.

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KEELOQ滚动码技术具有极高的保密性。The KEELOQ code hopping technology incorporates high security.

这是“读者你好系列”中一本非常不错的科普读物。Hopping does a very good job with this entry in the Hello Reader!

了解如何在这个自由舞蹈课视频跳步。Learn how to do the hopping step in this free dance lesson video.

后来的收生情况越来越好。And things have just been really going well and hopping ever since.

就好像有人在我床尾不停地并着脚跳。It felt as if someone was at the end of my bed hopping up and down.

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因为女儿没有得到他的允许就结了婚,他气得暴跳如雷。He was hopping mad when his daughter married without his permission.

不过,你要是到欧洲去,你就能看到一大群国王,到处乱窜乱跳。But if you was to go to Europe you'd see a raft of 'em hopping around.

你不断地忙碌着,家庭讨论,来回往返。Mucho family discussions and lots of to-ing and fro-ing keep you hopping.