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我们提供专门知识。We deliver expertise.

一些公司也面临着专门人才的短缺。Some also face a shortage of expertise.

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李律师有相当多的客户涉足房地产。Property law is one of Jill's expertise.

绘制地图是完全不同的工作。That is a completely different expertise.

机工的专业知识和考证培训等。Mechanic's expertise and research training.

或者是为了建立一个专家的声望?Or is it to build a reputation of expertise?

比哈尔邦的独门绝技已经传到中国!Transfer of expertise from BIHAR to CHINA! !

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而卡曼加的专业知识是网络广告。Kamangar's expertise is in online advertising.

怎样知道人们是否认为你的专长具有价值呢?How do you know if people value your expertise?

我们对他滑雪的技术都印象深刻。We were all impressed by his expertise on skee.

他人类学的专门知识无人能比。His expertise in anthropology is second to none.

教师们都具有无可否认的专业知识。Teachers shave expertise that cannot be gainsaid.

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换句话说,“人们要认为你的专长具有价值。”In other words, “people must value your expertise.

他总为自己身无长技感到自卑。He always feels inferior for his lack of expertise.

您需要计划,还需要所需的专业知识。You need a plan, as well as the required expertise.

新近发生的劫掠显示出精准的专业性。The precision of the new looting indicates expertise.

是的,知识来自于积累,经验是用高昂代价换来的。Expertise takes time, and pithiness comes with a cost.

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他们必须拥有很多学科的专业知识。They'll need expertise in a wide range of disciplines.

图书馆职业过于一般化,缺乏任何专业技能要求Librarianship is Too Generalized to Claim Any Expertise

突出他个人的专长为他带来了生意。Spotlighting his own expertise is bringing in business.