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为什么你们会觉得安详呢Why does it feel serene?

然而它是那么宁静,它能包容一切。Yet, it is so quiet and serene.

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爸爸躺在床上,面色平静。Dad lay in his bed, his face serene.

月夜下,天空看起来一片宁静。The sky looked serene in the moonlight.

我将静待黎明时分的狂喜Serene to wait the rapture of its dawning

使我在它安静的力量下泰然休憩。And rest serene beneath its tranquil power.

就连河面的倒影也如此的安祥。Even the river is also so serene reflection.

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天主教堂和耶稣教堂的美丽宁静而安详。Cathedral and churches possess a serene beauty.

这里就是那么地安详、宁静,环境非常优美。And it is just so serene and quiet and beautiful.

白丽莱茜鼓起勇气保持一种冷静的兴趣。Berenice strove valiantly to retain a serene interest.

而且没有火箭的轰鸣,乘坐将非常宁静。And without the rumble of a rocket, the ride will be serene.

你的叹息声回荡在这幽深的山谷里。Your sighing sound has been heard throughout the serene vale.

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让你的房间远离杂乱可以使你的思绪平静。Keep the room free of clutter to allow your mind to be serene.

不要羡慕孩子们平静祥和的生活,你应该亲身去实践!Don't envy the serene life of a baby, start living it yourself!

事实上,没有它,我们的家、我们的生活似乎清净了许多。In fact, our home, and lives, seem much more serene without it.

他的词婉转幽美,并且带这一股忧伤。His word persuasive serene and beautiful, and belt this sadness.

守住清净无为的心,让心时时寂静。Keep the mind pure and undefiled. Remain calm and serene always.

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平常沉着的亚尔巴特,完全失去了他的冷静。The usually serene Albert had entirely lost his self-possession.

更增智慧,年龄的增长使心境愈趋宁静。祝生日快乐!Growing older only means the spirit grows serene. Happy birthday!

既没有急躁的表现,也从不粗声大气,而总是那副宁静温和的面貌。No ill-temper, no harshness. His face was always serene and kind.