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梦剧场。Dream Theater.

你喜欢看戏吗?Do you enjoy the theater?

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这出歌剧的舞台效果好。The opera was good theater.

他陪她去剧院。He -nied her to the theater.

你昨天去看戏了吗?Did you go to theater last night?

它是一个古老的剧种。It is an ancient type of theater.

不久,贝尔克剧场就座无虚席。Soon the Belk Theater was packed.

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什么是戏剧演员的联盟?。What is the Theater Actor's Union?

我在那里学习音乐剧,And I studied musical theater there

其中一家全天放映卡通片。One theater shows cartoons all day.

这是全国唯一的专业乱弹剧团。This is the only major Luan Theater.

啥电影,啥影院,啥时候?What movie? What theater? What time?

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它预示了新的戏剧旺季的来临。It ushered in the new theater season.

还有美国芭蕾剧院。and also the American Ballet Theater.

一部新片即将在城市剧院上映。A new movie will be on at City Theater.

伍德伯里只有一家剧院。There was only one theater in Woodbury.

碗状体育场或室外剧院。A bowl-shaped stadium or outdoor theater.

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请告诉我去钟路剧场的路。Please tell me the way to Jongno Theater.

共鸣箱用于放大声音。The sound resonates well in this theater.

今晚首都剧场上演什么?What's on at the Capital Theater tonight?