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谁说苹果机是完美的?Who says Mac OS is flawless?

该页是必看的,必须保证无误。This page must look and work flawless.

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为你塑造完美无瑕的定妆效果。Create prefect and flawless fix effect.

她的皮肤洁白无瑕,好象乳色的。Her skin was flawless and seemed opalescent.

在神无伪的话面前谦卑自己吧。Humble yourselves to the flawless Word of God.

她面颊粉红,面部皮肤光洁无瑕。She has pink cheeks and a flawless complexion.

我有一个二十年的身体和无瑕疵的皮肤。I have a twenty-year-old body and flawless skin.

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这文章天衣无缝,论证严密。The article is close-knit and its argument flawless.

在底妆完成之后使用,以营造透明的无暇肌肤。Apply after foundation and concealer for a flawless finish.

她完美无缺的表演赢得剧评家的大力称赞。Her flawless performance won rave reviews from the critics.

以海绵湿用缔造出全面无瑕的哑光效果。Sponges on damp for a full-coverage, flawless matte finish.

他们被称作完美无瑕和多元化,我想是这样的名字。called Flawless and also Diversity, I think they're called.

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深金黄色、火红色、红褐色,清澈无暇。Deep golden yellow, fire red, red brown, clear and flawless.

现在静静的守候同时确保你的工作完美无瑕。For now, bide your time and make sure your work is flawless.

成就白哲无瑕肌肤有七项方法。There are 7 ways to realize the fair, flawless skin you want.

救救孩子吧,让他们找寻到黑暗中的灯塔。Save the children, let the world in their eyes still flawless.

工艺允称精绝,一年一度花开。There flawless technics blossomed like flowers year after year.

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顾客支援?你不须要此。我们的程式完美无瑕疵。Customer Support? You won't need that. Our programs are flawless.

然而我们在其他国家遇到过说一口完美英语的人。Yet we meet people in other countries who speak flawless English.

但是并非就是一块毫无瑕疵的完璧。But it is not flawless and not quiet well done in using quotations.