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参议院的投票结果是65比31。The Senate vote was 65-31.

一个低贱的平民进入元老院?。A lowly pleb in the Senate?

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参议院了解这点。The Senate understands this.

谁主持参议院?。Who presides over the Senate?

高卢人跟凯尔特人?进入元老院?。Gauls and Celts?In the Senate?

必须由元老院任命。The Senate had to appoint you.

参议院将于本周五开始休会.The Senate recesses this Friday.

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他一定稳赢参议员的职位。He is a shoo-in for the Senate seat.

参议院夏季休会。The Senate adjourned for the summer.

参议院夏天休会。The senate adjourned for the summer.

第二步是美国参议院要对你进行确认。Step 2, US senate has to confirm you.

但这只得到了参议院的一个种植者的响应。But that came a cropper in the Senate.

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参议院迅速通过了这一法案。The Senate promptly approved the bill.

现任国会参院多数党领袖是谁?Who is the Senate Majority Leader now?

参议院拒绝批准这些提名。The Senate disapproved the nominations.

参议院后来通过了原来打算讨论的立法。The Senate later passed the legislation.

一个艰难的长期性斗争已在参议院初露端倪。A long, hard battle now looms in the Senate.

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民主党在参议院以51比49的席位占微弱多数。Senate Democrats hold a slim 51-49 majority.

渊源,你知道议事厅前地在哪儿吗?Yuanyuan, do you know where Senate Square is?

米奇。麦克奈尔是参议院少数派领导。Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader.