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你真刻毒。You're being very spiteful.

娜娜当然是没有恶意的。Nana was certainly not spiteful.

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他是一个善于怀恨的男人。He had been a spiteful sort of man.

她有一个忘恩负义、怀恨于心的家庭。Her family are ungrateful and spiteful.

我知道,你对我有刻骨仇恨。I know your spiteful hatred towards me.

所以如果你伤心,苦恼了呢?So what if you have been hurtful, spiteful?

恶意的流言蜚语离间了这对老朋友。Spiteful gossip separated the two old friends.

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沃尔特恶意的话完全是多余的。Walter's spiteful remarks were quite uncalled for.

他表情困惑,眼睛充满了愤恨。He has a haunted look, with eyes full of spiteful anger.

事实上,这些化石是恶意的同事骗着他埋下的。In fact, they had been planted fraudulently by spiteful colleagues.

她策划了一个恶毒计划以应对费卢西亚可能的沦陷。She engineered a spiteful contingency plan should Felucia ever fall.

大量的恶意鲨鱼和其他有毒的动物品种全流域。Lots of spiteful sharks and other venomous beasts breed all over the basin.

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例如,耐克扣篮妇女SB高跟鞋,以前被忽视的刻毒性状才能显现出来。For instance, Nike Dunk SB Heels For Women, previously unnoticed spiteful traits can be revealed.

他要是敢不老实,你就得下狠手教训他,绝不能姑息!If he defiance be untruthful, you must the next spiteful hand educate him, can I'll say. appease!

当生活心怀歹毒地将一切都搞成了黑色幽默,我顺水推舟把自己变成了一个受过高等教育的流氓。When life spiteful everything into black humor, I yielded to themselves into a highly educated rogue.

但帕德拉里亚斯是个卑鄙、阴险之徒,他决心要置巴尔博亚和他的支持者于困境。But Badrarias was a mean, spiteful man and determined to make life difficult for Balboa and his supporters.

将这位半死不活,困于尿床而依旧心肠歹毒的老太婆与巍巍大山相比实在可笑。Of course it was silly really to connect this half-dead bed-wetting still spiteful old woman with a mountain.

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没有不爱美的女子,对自己的脸下这样的“狠手”,也是需要相当的勇气的。The woman done not don't love of pulchritude, to own face base"spiteful hand" like this also need equal prowess.

“这是一个恶意的姿势,但是我并不吃惊,因为他也在尤文图斯做过这些”赞布罗塔说。"It was a spiteful gesture. I wasn't surprised because he did that when he played for Juventus, " Zambrotta said.

她见识过这个男人狠辣的手段,如果她没有利用价值,他真的会杀了她。She once experiences the spiteful hot means of this man, whether she didn't make use of amount, he truly killed her.