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纠缠这个问题。Entangle this issue.

使受困扰使阻碍、牵绊或纠缠如陷入泥沼一般。To hinder, entrap, or entangle as if in mire.

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见了一次面后,我却对你痴痴缠。After seeing surface, I crazily entangle to u.

有一种缘,叫做绕来萦去。There is a margin, called around to entangle to.

他所提出的问题使与会人士感到困惑。The difficult problem present by him entangle the conferee.

缠缠绵绵的文字。都缠不出我的心心念念。Tangled up writing. Cannot entangle my harboring intentions.

的去路,这里的海边由高大的黑檀树所遮蔽,还有一种红木和其他硬木,有。And entangle the voyager, the low margin of the sea was covered.

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爱丽丝是怎么把头发死死地缠在野生灌木上的?How did Alice manage to entangle her hair so badly in the brambles ?

纠缠现在可以打断持续性魔法了,例如流星雨和暴风雪。Entangle now interrupts channeling spells such as Starfall and Blizzard.

但愿能用我的心缠住你的双足,把它们紧紧抱在我胸前!Could I but entangle your feet with mt heart ang hold them fast to my breast!

他的策略是使反对派陷入错综复杂的议会程序之中。His tactics were to entangle the opposition in a web of parliamentary procedure.

通过将其等同于杀死婴儿,他们把科学卷入堕胎政治当中。By equating it to killing babies they entangle the science in the politics of abortion.

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他并没有特意去掩盖他的整个脚踝上面网状的伤疤和他手臂上面的深色的沟。He doesn't hide the web of scars that entangle his ankle or the thick gouge on his arm.

我更希望父母们痛快地把钱交给孩子,而不要卷入到他们的财务信用中去。I would ra ther the parents gave the money outright to the kid than entangle their credit.

呼唤自然之灵,它们就会缠住你的对手或者用风暴痛击你的敌人。Call to the spirits, and they will entangle your foes or smite your enemies with the storm.

以其自有资金投资的小公司不大可能因其高风险行为使整个世界都陷入麻烦。Smaller firms playing with their own cash are unlikely to entangle the entire world with their risky behavior.

导致致病菌浸入组织并大从萦殖而致病。Causes the pathogenic bacteria to plunge the organization and from to entangle greatly breeds, but pathogenesis.

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一些人说道,被引用的种族灭绝将会让已被延误和混乱的进程变得更复杂。Some have argued that introducing genocide will further entangle a process already beset by delays and confusion.

题材有人物故事、民间传说、缠枝花卉或是花鸟等。The theme has the character story, the folklore, to entangle flowers and plants perhaps flower-and-bird and so on.

每一条主堑壕前方都配布了一片铁丝网,旨在减慢和分散进攻部队。Each main line of trenches was fronted by fields of barbed wire intended to slow down and entangle attacking infantry.