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“拿到我的火绒箱了吗?”老巫婆问。"Have you got my tinderbox?" asked the old witch.

于是他拿出火绒箱,并敲击打火石。Then he took out his tinderbox and struck the flint.

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士兵带着钱以及火绒箱走到一座城镇。He took the money and the tinderbox and went to a town.

作为俄罗斯新总统,梅德韦杰夫继承了这个火药桶。As Russia's new president, Mr. Medvedev inherits this tinderbox.

都柏林市现在就像一个马上要爆炸的火药桶。Dublin city is currently like a tinderbox just waiting to explode.

“我把火绒箱忘在房间里了,”士兵自言自语道。I have forgotten my tinderbox in my room, " the soldier said to himself".

而在北高加索其新殖民主义的管制方式又点燃了一个火药桶。And its neocolonial methods of governance in the north Caucasus have created a tinderbox.

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他曾在山谷里放牧,但今天的草地上却是高耸的基地站,还制造了一个“火药箱”。The cattle he ran kept the valley grazed , but today the grass stands thigh-high, creating a tinderbox.

神秘主义者说,是莱斯特自己用恶梦点燃了火,他的恶梦是火星,他家屋子则是燃料箱。The mystics said that Lester had started the blaze himself with a bad dream, Lester’s nightmare a spark, the house a tinderbox.

人权活动人士称,不管怎样,反政府抗议活动仍在进行,而作为“火药桶”的霍姆斯市又有三名抗议者被击毙。Defiant protests continued in any case, and three more protesters were shot dead in the tinderbox city of Homs, rights activists said.

俄罗斯人口一年下来减少了700,000.而它在北高加索的新殖民主义手段则点燃了一个火药桶。Russia’s population is shrinking by 700, 000 a year. And its neocolonial methods of governance in the north Caucasus have created a tinderbox.

地区代理人战争日程进一步加剧了动荡,并蔓延至叙利亚边境以外的黎巴嫩和伊拉克。The chaos is being further fueled by regional proxy-war agendas and has spilled over Syria's borders into such tinderbox polities as Lebanon and Iraq.

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贫穷的前苏联加盟共和国亚美尼亚毗邻位于里海与黑海之间,被称为火药桶的高加索南部地区。Impoverished Armenia, the tiniest of the former Soviet countries, hugs the southern tip of the tinderbox Caucasus region that lies between the Caspian and Black seas.

在亚洲,中国纠缠于国土纠纷的火药桶,而与亚洲不同,非洲的目标则毫无异议是经济上的,能在贩卖便宜的制造业商品的同时获得重要的矿产。Unlike in Asia, where China pursues tinderbox land disputes, the objectives here are overwhelmingly economic — securing vital commodities while selling cheap manufactured goods.