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我们为了证明一个有因果关系的宣称对吗?We're arguing to a causal claim aren't we?

我们不会看到因果关系本身。We never get to the causal relationship itself.

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发现不出这样的因果关系是很困难的。It is difficult to not find a causal relationship.

杜夫人约牡丹来这里,是有原因的。The Du madam invites peony to come here, is causal.

但他并没有,强力主张因果关系。In many ways, he's not making a causal claim so much.

你给我讲讲植物病害的主要病原,好吗?。Could you tell me the main causal agents of plant diseases?

他阐述了引起粮价上涨的多种因素。He outlined multiple causal factors for rising food prices.

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如果你有一个那么强的相关性,他肯定有因果关系。Yes if you got a correlation that strong it must be causal.

我们知道没有因果关系也有相关性。We know that there can be correlation without causal relations.

第三章主要描述韩汉语“原因”表达句法格局。Chapter Three is pattern of "causal" expression of Korean and Chinese.

研究结果表明因果关系模型在中日两国均适用。The results show that causal models are applicable in China and Japan.

我们看到的都是相关性,我们从没看到因果关系本身。So all we see are correlation we never see the causal relationship itself.

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但是是否可以成为疾病征兆或者和疾病有因果关系,就不得而知了。But it is unclear if they are just a sign of disease or have a causal role.

KBD病儿血浆内的病毒可能就是KBD的致病因子。The vinis in the plasmas of KBD chilren might be the causal factor for KBD.

六道众生要经历因果轮回,从中体验痛苦。Six paths beings to undergo causal metempsychosis, from the experience pain.

首先,我的牙医提出了一套无可辩驳的因果链。First, my hygienist presented me with a causal chain that was hard to dispute.

此外,还包含着因果有报的因果论思想。In addition, it's also include the causal theory of causation has been reported.

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其病因可能与梭状芽胞杆菌和产气杆菌感染有关。The causal factor may be related to clostridia and bacillusgasoformans infections.

同时,针对小样本情况建立了因果最大似然树学习方法。The method of learning causal maximum likelihood tree is developed in small sample.

它可以是时不变的或时变的、因果的或非因果的、线性的或非线性的。It can be time-invariant or time variant, causal or non causal, linear or nonlinear.