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喝牛羚的血。Drink the blood of wildebeest.

一只羚羊需要几双新鞋子。A wildebeest needed some new shoes.

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一只豹子会发现自己很难扑倒一只成年角马。A single cat finds it tricky to bring down a full-grown wildebeest.

羚羊身上的气味酸得刺鼻,上到坡顶后,屋里还是一片漆黑。The smell of the wildebeest was sour. At the top of the slope, the house was still dark.

如今,我人到中年,自己的生活也随之偃旗息鼓,就像一只被雷倒的角马。It was my life that was lying in the middle of my life like that, like a poleaxed wildebeest.

接着又有羚羊和条纹羚,牛羚和斑马,它们被放养在私人野生动物保护地里。Next there are springbok and kudu, then wildebeest and zebra, grazing in a private game reserve.

猎豹会追逐瞪羚、角马幼仔、黑斑羚和体型较小的有蹄类动物。Cheetahs pursue such animals as gazelles, wildebeest calves, impalas, and smaller hoofed animals.

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一只公牛羚有时会疾驰在草原上,做着侧向腾跃或跑成圈。At times, a wildebeest bull will race across the plains, prancing sideways and running in circles.

我一生中曾看到那些利爪捕获过重我几百磅的大羚羊、斑马。All my life I'd watched those paws take down wildebeest and zebras weighing hundreds of pounds more than me.

一天,当马克•欧文斯在卡拉哈里中心地带的上空飞行时,偶然看到一大群野生羚羊的迁徙行动。One day, while flying over the central Kalahari, Mark Owens came across an enormous migration of wildebeest.

在博茨瓦纳的塞林达自然保护区,一群牛羚在旱季即将过去的时候聚集在水边。On the Selinda Reserve in Botswana, a herd of wildebeest gathers at the water's edge at the end of the dry season.

这组照片捕捉了上千头角马渡过肯尼亚马拉河的壮观场面。Photographs have captured the moment thousands of wildebeest attempt to make their way across the Mara River in Kenya.

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绿色一边的农民一直强迫自己的牛模仿塞伦盖蒂平原庞大的洄游牛羚群。The farmer on the green side had been forcing his cattle to mimic the great migratory wildebeest herds of the Serengeti.

这里每年有超过40万游客来这里看斑马、大象、瞪羚、狮子及数百万的非洲野生牛羚在原野狂奔。Over four hundred thousand visitors a year come to see zebra, elephant, gazelle, lion and millions of wildebeest run wild.

在杆的另一端,顶住一柄长矛状飞镖,瞄准你一直在跟踪的一群牛羚。At the other end, you attach an arrow or dart, with the point directed out toward that herd of wildebeest you've been tracking.

来自新西兰的59岁野生动物摄影师罗宾·普勒斯顿表示,这些角马跌落到底部的场面很可怕。Wildlife photographer Robyn Preston, 59, from New Zealand, said it was horrifying watching the wildebeest falling to the bottom.

较宽广的视角可以使照片更具有野外感,如这张在坦桑尼亚恩格罗恩格罗火山口国家公园拍摄的火烈鸟和角马的照片。Taking a wider view can introduce a sense of wilderness – such as this picture of flamingos and wildebeest in Tanzania’s Ngorongoro Crater.

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他开始了解鬣狗是在他第一次在隆及多搬迁期间,当时鬣狗群尾随着一群羚羊从恩戈罗来到了平原。He got to know them during the first migration he spent at Longido, when they followed the wildebeest up from Ngorongoro and onto the plain.

我用枪驱赶他们,在我及地的黑色皮草外套里,枪杆就是指挥棒,看看我时髦的长筒靴,是牛羚皮制的,饰有很多个尖角。I rode shotgun on them in my floor length black leather jacket and needle-heeled opera hip boots made of wildebeest leather with the tufted tops.

角马将在这里停留,直到十一月的短暂降雨的味道告诉它们又该重新组合前往南方回到赛伦盖蒂平原的时刻。Here, the wildebeest will stay, until the smell of November's short rains tell them it's time to regroup and head southwards back towards the Serengeti.