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你在这里幸灾乐祸?You here to gloat?

你是幸灾乐祸、狂笑还是去死呢?Will you gloat and scream and die?

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有时候原始兽太幸灾乐祸了。Sometimes Predacons gloat too much.

如果你是对的,你自己心里知道就可以了。If you’re right – gloat to yourself.

他喜欢为自己的成功沾沾自喜。He likes to gloat over his own success.

这些人对他在立法机关所受的挫折幸灾乐祸。They gloat at his legislative setbacks.

不要冷眼旁观看着你的朋友堕落。Never gloat over the ruin of your friend.

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我感觉到,他即将结束他贪婪的注视。I sensed that he was coming to the end of his gloat.

你难道不认为对你对手的失败幸灾乐祸是有点不近人情吗?Don't you think it's a little unkind to gloat over your competitor's failure?

阿楚做了一旧菜等萨蒂什家人的到来,曼吉暗自得意洋洋。Archuleta made a old dishes such as satish familys arrival, mann, silently gloat.

难怪中国新闻机构在8月8日的一周显得有些幸灾乐祸。Small wonder the Chinese news agency was on gloat mode during the week of Aug. 8.

阿楚做了一旧菜等萨蒂什家人的到来,曼吉暗自得意洋洋。Archuleta a old food satish, such as the arrival of the family, the man silently gloat.

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3月21日,时近子夜,当贝拉克?奥巴马向全美民众发表讲话之时,他是完全有权自鸣得意的。THE Barack Obama who addressed Americans at near midnight on March 21st had every right to gloat.

刀痕脸得意洋洋站在山壁上引诱霍元甲,霍元甲飞到山壁上与刀痕脸决斗。Mark face gloat stood on the mountain seduce fearless, fearless fly to duel with mark face on the mountain.

不要使他们嘲笑我们的没落,反使他们的阴谋伤害自己,作为那谋害我们者的鉴戒。Let them not gloat over our ruin, but turn their own counsel against them and make an example of our chief enemy.

星期天的比赛散场之前,大部分的洋基球迷早已离开球场,只剩下大都会的球迷在现场大吼大叫。By the end of the game on Sunday, most of the Yankees' fans had left, leaving scattered Mets fans to holler and gloat.

当酷酷的大学运动员和热辣的女友坐他的爱车失事后,特别是这人有些自以为是,那么幸灾乐祸的想法是很自然会产生的。It is easy to gloat when the cool jock with the hot girlfriend wrecks his sweet car, especially if he seems kind of smug.

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他们从巴西人手中夺下了他们垂涎已久的大力神杯,并向全世界展示了他们对对手的幸灾乐祸。In 1998, when they took the coveted World Cup in soccer against Brazil, the worst part of the victory was watching them gloat.

我的间谍告诉我那个干涉机械论者已经从这张照片中被移除。我只是希望我能有那个铁家伙的壳在那边幸灾乐祸!My spies tell me that meddling Mechanist has been removed from the picture. I only wish I had that tin-man's shell to gloat over!

对中国的强硬派而言,全球金融危机是一个为中国实力增长沾沾自喜的黄金机会。BEIJING —For the hardliners in China's Communist Party, the global financial crisis has been a golden opportunity to gloat about China's rising power.