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那么装傻就是最好的选择,这是没选择时最不易犯错的方法。So foolish was the best choice, there is no choice most not fallible method.

他认为,既然所有的知识来自经验,那么这些知识本质上是很容易出错的。He thinks because all our knowledge comes from experience, it's inherently fallible.

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传统的材料定额编制工作存在易错性,工作效率低等诸多弊端。The traditional establishment work of material ration is fallible and of low efficiency.

怜悯之心认可其它的,更多与此,它认同人皆犯错的观点。Compassion acknowledges others, and even more so, it acknowledges that we are all fallible.

易犯错误的世人怀疑天佑之道是不适当的。It does not belong to a mere fallible human being to question the ways of divine providence.

正因为它会出错,“神父答道,”我才有更大的理由来解释它,以免它误导信众。"If it is fallible , " he replied, "there is the greater reason that I explain it, lest it mislead.

接受犯错乃人之本性这个现实,我们都有一点点疯狂,所幸并非每天如此。Welcome to fallible humanity. We’re all a little bit crazy, fortunately just not all on the same day.

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但是,这些将军和我们普通人一样是容易犯错误的,不应该从普通民众那里获得免费的通信证。But generals are as fallible as the rest of us and should not receive a free pass from their civilian counterparts.

但是没有什么能比弗洛伊德写给他未婚妻玛莎玛莎伯内斯的情书更感人的了,这部分内容占据了全书的一半篇幅。Nowhere is Freud more touchingly fallible than in his love letters to his fiancee Martha Bernays, which occupy half this book.

所有这一切使得推荐引擎听上去几乎就是个灵物,但是日常经验告诉我们,它们实际上非常容易出错。That makes recommendation engines sound practically psychic, but everyday experience tells us that they're actually pretty fallible.

在交换机上配置ISOLATE-USER-VLAN是一项比较复杂而容易出错的工作,在多级连交换机的环境下尤甚。At switch install ISOLATE-USER-VLAN is an item more complications and fallible work, much more at the multi-grade-connect environment.

易犯错的人类在近半个世纪中仅遭受几次灾难,一些事故以及很多“擦边球”。Fallible people have created its half-century history of a few calamities, a steady stream of worrying incidents, and many near-misses.

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“绝望使我们都轻易犯错误,”汤姆说,“我们本身应先熟悉景遇,再作出判定。"Desperation makes all of us fallible , " Tom said. "However, we should familiarize ourselves with the facts before we make any judgments.

现在,他正要求银行接受少于原先许诺的支付款项,他还将市场描述为一种需要监管的容易犯错的东西。Now, he is demanding that banks accept smaller payments than promised, while describing the market as a fallible thing in need of supervision.

以伽利略的事,这是很不够的指出一个事实,即谴责对心理论是工作的一犯错误法庭。As to the Galileo affair, it is quite enough to point out the fact that the condemnation of the heliocentric theory was the work of a fallible tribunal.

最新的发展是电罗盘或纤维光学罗盘,由于它们无潜在易错运动部分,所以能准确探测磁极。A recent development is the electronic compass, or Fibre optic gyrocompass, which detects the magnetic directions without potentially fallible moving parts.

若观测样本和参数先验信息含有异常信息,必然造成序贯平差参数估值及其协方差的扭曲。The sequential adjustment probably makes parameters and their posterior covariance fallible if there are anomalies in the prior parameters and the measurement data.

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在得知乔布斯辞职的消息后,很多苹果迷对他们“群龙无首”的社区未来以及苹果日后难免犯错的可能性进行了深入思考。After the news of his resignation, many Apple fans reflected on the future of their community without its leader─and the possibility that Apple might become fallible.

央行行长在过去十年中的祷告表演结束了,但这不过是把迷信的对象从一群来历不明的幻想家转移到其他人身上而已。The worship of central bankers over the past decade has been shown for what it was, a mere shift of blind faith from one group of fallible tunnel-visionaries to another.

所以,笛卡尔决定彻底抛弃那些曾欺骗过他的东西,于是他把所有从感觉得来的信息都判定为不确定的、虚假的。Descartes resolves not to trust completely that whichhas deceived him once, and therefore rejects any information obtained throughthe senses as being uncertain and fallible.