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车遇到红灯停了下来,这时一个模糊的身影吸引了我的注意。At a stoplight a blur of movement draws my attention.

我停下车等红灯,然后看到一个无家可归的人在那里乞讨,I stopped at the stoplight and there was a homeless guy there, a beggar,

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当我们坐进沃尔沃时,我们在一条窄小的街道上打起了红色尾灯。As we leave the beach in the Volvo, we approach a stoplight on a narrow street.

有个人驾驶着一辆保时捷911跑车,红灯的时候他停下车,发现旁边有个骑单车的人停在他的车边。A man in a Porsche 911 stops at a stoplight and a guy on a scooter pulls up next to him.

只在停车的时候踩应急刹车,不要在红灯亮时踩应急刹车。Only pull the emergency brake when you park the car. Never pull the emergency break at a stoplight.

有些司机为赶几秒种而闯红灯,有些行人根本不看信号灯而乱穿马路。Some driver jumped the stoplight and some people crossed the street as they hadn't seen the red light.

穿过加洛斯路下面的地下过道,然后在第一个交通信号灯向右拐就上了威廉斯车道。Go through the underpass under Gallows Road then turn right at the first stoplight onto Williams Drive.

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你可曾在车里等红绿灯的时候瞥见旁边车辆里的每个人都很开心?Ever in your car at a stoplight and glance over at the car next to you and everyone in the car looks so happy?

你们为什么不在桥上当红灯亮时向车子乞讨来代替现在的生活呢?Why don’t you and your family just beg for change at the stoplight just above this bridge instead of doing this?

“信号灯派对”指参加聚会的客人会穿不同颜色的衣服来显示他们的感情状况。A stoplight party is a party at which guests wear different colors indicating their relationship-seeking status.

在比利时一辆列车冲过红灯与迎面而来的列车相撞,事故导致超过20人遇难。In Belgium more than 20 people are feared dead after a commuter train ran a stoplight and crashed head-on into an oncoming train.

正在他看着时,一辆敞篷小货车跟着那辆面包车穿过红绿灯,从侧面滑向面包车,把那个女人卡在车子中间。As he watched, a pickup truck followed the van through the stoplight and slid sideways into the van, pinning the woman between the vehicles.

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也就是说,他有这样那样的功能,在不同语义系统中表示的甚至完全相反,就像红灯表示的这些不同含义一样。It has the function, in other words, of negating its own meaning in another semiotic system, in this case the semiotic system of the stoplight.

穆萨车前方的交通灯变绿,又变红,再变绿,车却丝毫未动,引擎还在隆隆作响。The stoplight in front of the Musas' car turned green, then red, and then green again, but the car remained in place, the engine still rumbling.

穆萨车前方的交通灯变绿,又变红,再变绿,车却丝毫未动,引擎还在隆隆作响。The stoplight in front of the Musas’ car turned green, then red, and then green again, but the car remained in place, the engine still rumbling.