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性感的莓果色达拉斯大理花。A "berry" sexy bloom of Dallas dahlia.

他们带来一朵黄色针瓣大丽花。They brought a quilled, yellow dahlia.

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他们带给我一朵黄色针瓣大丽花。They brought me a quilled, yellow dahlia.

他们带给我一朵黄色针瓣大丽花。They brought me a quilled, yellow dahlia.

女儿的名字分别叫阿普里尔、科琳、葛洛丽亚、苏珊娜和戴利亚。The girls' names were April, Corinne, Gloria, Susannah, and Dahlia.

宠儿到英国去过一趟,因此瑟芬和大丽都羡慕她。Favourite having been in England, was admired by Dahlia and Zephine.

不论如何,雪特在她的一生中从来没有被称作“黑色大丽花”。In either case, Short was not generally known as the "Black Dahlia" during her lifetime.

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戴莉·哈里法是世界银行国际金融组织的贸易专家。Dahlia Khalifa is a business expert at the World Bank's International Finance Corporation.

大丽花是一种普受民间喜爱的球根草花植物。Dahlia hortensis Guill is a kind of herbaceous flower with bulbus radicular, which is very popular.

但近年来由于黄蚂蚁的危害,大大影响了大丽花的生长和发展。Derypus orientapeswesf has been greatly harmful to the growth and development of Dahlia hortensis Guill.

世界银行的专家戴莉·哈里法称一些国家正在改革并修改他们的商法。World Bank specialist Dahlia Khalifa says some governments are reforming and changing their business laws.

大丽委身于李士多里,也许还结识过旁人,她之所以游手好闲,是她那十只过分美丽的桃红指甲在作怪。It was having rosy nails that were too pretty which had drawn Dahlia to Listolier, to others perhaps, to idleness.

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西班牙人忌讳送大丽花和菊花,只有在葬礼上才送菊花。The Spanish people abstained from delivers the dahlia and the chrysanthemum, only has at the funeral only then delivers the chrysanthemum.

是一种可以作为高等植物储藏营养物质的多聚糖,在菊科大丽花属的块根中尤为明显。它是一种果糖聚合体。Inulin A polysaccharide food reserve of some higher plants, particularly the Asteraceae, e. g. Dahlia root tubers. It is a polymer of fructose.

一方面,我知道戴丽亚爱我,就是想帮助我,但在我的内心深处,我却总是为需要这么多的照顾而在思想上感到不安。I knew on one level that Dahlia loved me and just wanted to help, but always in the back of my mind I was inwardly embarrassed about needing so much care.

虽然我们现在是结婚了,但是我派到伊拉克时,我们还没有订婚,她当时去了英格兰并在剑桥大学攻读博士学位。Although we are married now, Dahlia and I were not yet engaged when I deployed to Iraq, and she left for England to pursue her PhD at Cambridge University.

铁头·纽科姆从马房的边门出来了,穿了条工作裤和一件在谷仓穿的油腻腻的罩衣,走动时有条腿摆动得很奇怪。Bunt Newcombe came out of a side door of the stable. He was wearing overalls and a greasy barn smock, and he moved with an odd swing of one leg. "Bum leg, " Dahlia said.

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针对品种退化,从生产与管理两方面提出了相应的防止品种退化,改善大丽花生长发育条件的有利措施。Aim at deterioration of breed, put forward the relative and favorableness measures of preventing deteriorating and improve growth condition of Dahlia in aspect of yield and manage.

本文从大丽花的生态习性,影响其生长发育的生态因子入手,分析了大丽花在青大量引种栽培当中,造成品种化的主要原因及其在栽培当中存在的问题。The article starts from zoology propensity and factor of influence of growth commence of Dahlia. Analyzing the main reason of the deterioration and growth of Dahlia species in Qinghai.