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目前尚好。So far so good.

他不会走远的。He can’t go far.

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这座桥太长了?A bridge too far?

安能跳得远。Ann can jump far.

别太过了。Don's go too far.

我们已经走远。We have gone far.

但是他没有走远。He didn’t get far.

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光辐射远。Ray radiation far.

聪明的人看得远。The wise look far.

但到现在蝙蝠还没有出现。But so far no bats.

我已在海之角!I'll be far to sea!

至少现在还不能。At least not so far.

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和铁塔来张远景合照吧。Far view with tower.

我上班走很远的路。I go far to my work.

就躺在角落处的一张床上。In a far corner lay.

不要一下挖的太深。We won't go too far.

到此有问题吗?Any questions so far?

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蠢人定约早。Fools set far trysts.

目前最好的球队?Gfx Best team so far?

是让它打得尽量远吗Go as far as you can?