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第二,帕洛阿尔托研究中心的发明家拥有创造新的头脑。Second, the PARC inventors had creative smarts.

酒店位于普林斯萨帝遵循安道尔传统的山地风格。The Princesa Parc follows the traditional mountain style of Andorra.

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大胆和欢迎,威基基公园酒店是一家火奴鲁鲁酒店。Bold and welcoming, Waikiki Parc Hotel is an exclusive Honolulu hotel.

感谢Parc公司的ASC小组进行的工作,特别是我们在此引用的图片。Thanks to the ASC group at Parc for their work, especially those graphs we've reproduced.

当你驾驶赛车通过维修通道时所有的车队都出来为你鼓掌。When you drove down the pit lane to parc fermé all the teams were out there to applaud you.

他们半决赛的对手是南斯拉夫队,双方在王子公园经过一场激烈的厮杀,法国最终告负。They met Yugoslavia in the semi finals but lost at the Parc des Princes in a thrilling game.

进来他告诉计算机世界,“在四十年以前帕洛阿尔托研究中心开展相关调查研究就像表演魔术。As he recently told, "Conducting research at PARC four decades ago was like magic.

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在理念上,计划式编程方式类似于Mr.Simonyi在PARC开发的文字处理器。As an idea, intentional programming is similar to the word processor that Mr. Simonyi developed at PARC.

什么使得帕洛阿尔托研究中心与其他的组织在创造力上有如此大的差别?What made PARC so different from organizations where creativity falters? An abundance of all three key ingredients

蚝口路是货车驶离监狱后第一个停下来的地方,也是马里恩第一个钻出车底的机会,”警方发言人说,“我们不知道那时候货车是在去斯旺西监狱的路上,还是在回来的路上。I expect he intended to get away when the van stopped and this was his first opportunity after leaving Parc Prison.

1980年代,美国全录帕洛亚托实验室的研究人员,提供并分析了几项适当分配电脑资源的经济法则。In the 1980s researchers at Xerox PARC proposed and analyzed economic approaches to apportioning computer resources.

这一刻,你几乎可以肯定的是有某些事情在二十世纪70年代的施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心发生。At this moment, you are almost certainly using something that sprang from the blossoming creativity at Xerox PARC in the 1970s.

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勒冈承认他很钦佩马克莱莱的实力,同时表示他们有可能会将他带到巴黎王子公园球场。Le Guen has admitted he is huge admirer of Makelele's but concedes any move depends on possible departures from the Parc Des Princes.

同时,这些工程,除了拉米雷特公园位于巴黎东北角的近郊之外,其馀全部设在巴黎市区。Moreover, with the exception of Parc de la Villette, which is located in a northeastern suburb of Paris, they are all concentrated in downtown Paris.

这个库莱伍艾塔·德鲁·考鲁公园位于城市中心的正北方,在高迪的古艾鲁公园所在山岭北坡的近山顶处。This Parc de la Creueta del Coll is located due north of the center of the city on the northern tip on the other side of Antoni Gaudi i Comet's Parc Giicll.

施乐公司发明了传真机,鼠标,以太网,激光打印机,用户交互的”窗口“概念,但是没有钱投给这些发明。Xerox PARC invented the fax machine, the mouse, Ethernet, laser printers, and the concept of a “windowing” user interface, but made no money on the inventions.

我和我在PARC的同事相信在未来20年里,我们称作无所不在计算的东西会逐渐作为计算机存取的统治模式出现。My colleagues and I at PARC believe that what we call ubiquitous computing will gradually emerge as the dominant mode of computer access over the next twenty years.

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在所有对Wikipedia社区的分析中,本次研究堪称是上等佳作,但媒体却得出了一些耸动视听的结论。The studies by PARC are some of the best scientific analysis of Wikipedia's community ever done, but it's led to some rather sensationalist conclusions by media outlets.

在所有对Wikipedia社区的分析中,本次研究堪称是上等佳作,但媒体却得出了一些耸动视听的结论。The studies by PARC are some of the best scientific analysis of Wikipedia's community ever done, but it has led to some rather sensationalist conclusions by media outlets.

类似帕罗奥多研究中心这样的例子说明,比起支持最终有可能使竞争对手获益的长远研究来说,支持范围较窄的实用性项目,会对公司更有利。Examples such as PARC suggest that companies would be better off supporting narrower, applied projects than sponsoring open-ended research that might ultimately benefit competitors.