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她为你而悲伤。She is grieved for you.

我真为他难受。I am so grieved for him.

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她又是多么地伤心!How grieved she was, too.

马上单衣寒恻恻。Immediately cold unlined grieved.

可怜的母亲伤心得要命。Our poor mother is sadly grieved.

我无法听见你真实悲痛的号叫。I can't hear your true grieved wawl.

他对这件不幸的事感到十分难过。He is very much grieved over this mishap.

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因难以去爱,唉,我心忧悒。Alas, I have grieved so I am hard to love.

撕心裂肺的呼喊还在我的耳旁。In my ears the grieved shouts still resound.

男孩的错误行为使他的父母感到伤心。The boy's wrong actions grieved his parents.

郑先生伤心于他妻子的去世。Mr. Zheng grieved about the loss of his wife.

并意识到,太迟了,他们过去总为时光伤逝And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way

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全家人都沉浸在悲痛之中,我们靠信念支撑着。My family grieved deeply, leaning on our faith.

在许多闲散的日子,我悼惜着虚度了的光阴。On many an idle day have I grieved over lost time.

母亲为死去的儿子悲伤了多年。The mother grieved for her dead son for many years.

假如,某一天我死了,我的妻子,请不要伤心。If I die one day, my wife, please do not be grieved.

看着温室烧成灰烬真使他们悲伤。It grieved them to see the greenhouse burning into ashes.

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眼见朋友死亡,自己却无能为力,他们感到深深的悲哀。They cannot help but be grieved by the death of a friend.

我很难过没能在她去世前见她最后一面。I grieved that I did not get to see her again before she died.

她们断绝往来,她感到无比难受。She told them how much it grieved her that they were separated.